We as humans of Planet Earth have 2 minds(some say more) that we primarily use on a daily basis. We have a Conscious and a Subconscious Mind(a higher mind also). They both have different functions that help us throughout our lives. They both work best when they are in unison with each other.
The function of the conscious mind:
-Daily decision making. This includes everything from what we choose to wear every day to what we choose to talk about.
-The guardian of the subconscious mind. The protector of any new information it doesn't want to get into the subconscious mind
The Functions of the Subconscious mind:
-It holds all of our beliefs since we were a child all up until now
-All of our bodily functions
-Is our connection to our divine spiritual self and the spiritual world
-Depending on its programming, it provides us with productive/creative or destructive ideas
And many other things.
Whatever is held in the Conscious mind on a daily consistent basis, automatically gets picked up by the Subconscious mind and becomes a belief. Once it becomes a belief, then IT MUST become a reality for us. Whatever the belief is, IT MUST come into our life and it becomes something that we perceive!
As you can see, the subconscious mind is very powerful and does a lot for us! However, most people aren't aware that they have different minds and the proper way to utilize both. This is what I intend to do with this article. To teach you how to utilize both.
Our life is created by our thoughts, inner beliefs and our energy that we radiate from within ourselves. Our subconscious mind puts us in states of being that it is programmed to be in. For example: if you were brought up in a poor environment, then more than likely you have been taught by poor people who have poor thoughts and beliefs themselves. If you were brought up in a wealthy environment around wealthy people who have thoughts of wealth, then chances are, if you remained around them most of your life, that you will have the same thoughts and beliefs of wealth.
From the time that we are all born, our subconscious mind starts recording everything that goes on around us. It starts to record other people's sayings/phrases to us, and then the more they are said to us, our subconscious mind will take that as true, then use it to create our life to be that way. Whenever people say "Money is for the rich and wealthy only", when it's said consistently, your subconscious mind takes that as a belief and will do EVERYTHING in it's power to prevent you from receiving any amount of money in large amounts. Whenever someone teaches you from birth that "Being wealthy is our birthright", your subconscious mind will allow you to feel comfortable about being wealthy and put you in situations for you to receive wealth.
Our subconscious mind is very sensitive to its surroundings. It gets programmed to do and have you say certain things by images, daily actions, and even words that flash quickly on a monitor(TV) that the conscious mind is unable to pick up. Bypassing the guardian. There have been various studies of the past and present that proves this. The TV programmers already know this kind of stuff. This is why if you watch TV, when you're at home or out and about somewhere, you will get a desire to eat at a fast food restaurant and that desire comes out of nowhere.
This is due to those images of various fast food restaurants that have been flashed in front of you while watching TV. If you weren't watching TV at all, you less likely would have had that desire to go and eat at any fast food restaurant. Watching TV programs our subconscious mind to do various things that if we weren't watching it, we wouldn't do or say those things. This is why it's called "Tv programming".
This is one reason why I feel that there are so many arguments between people. They consistently view other people on TV arguing with each other and that gets planted into the subconscious mind and makes people feel like they have to argue with other people. Another reason why there is so much TEEN PREGNANCY! Think about all of the SEXUAL IMAGES being shown on TV. This is to get you to stay focused on sex rather than anything mature and spiritual.
Yes some teen pregnancy shows say some positive things. However, it's those images being shown of the teenagers having babies that gets picked up by the subconscious mind. Then, the more the teenager views those shows, the more the images gets planted into their subconscious mind. Then it becomes a belief in their mind. Once it becomes a belief, then it becomes a reality FOR THEM.
Make a time/s for you to stop and ask yourself "Why do I do and say this?" "Is this really necessary?" You might be amazed at what you uncover. Some of the things that we currently do and say aren't really necessary. These are programs that have been running automatically in our minds for much of our life causing us to do and say things we aren't aware of.
This is why I encourage people that if you want more control over your life, cancel ALL of your TV services and just watch movies of your choice. IF you choose to keep a TV in your home at all. TV doesn't encourage people to be focused on their divine spiritual selves. It doesn't teach you your own SOUL purpose for being born here on earth. It actually inflates the ego(your false self)
However, with the technology that we have currently, it is much easier for use to program our subconscious mind. There are subliminal videos all over Youtube that you can view and also audio mp3's that you can listen to that help you to program new beliefs. There are endless amounts of these videos and mp3's that program our minds to do various things like: create more wealth in our life, become more confident, and even to allowing ourselves to have more spiritual experiences. All of our current programming either allows or doesn't allow us to perceive certain things in our life.
Whatever is held in the Conscious mind on a daily consistent basis, automatically gets picked up by the Subconscious mind and becomes a belief. Once it becomes a belief, then IT MUST become a reality for us. Whatever the belief is, IT MUST come into our life!
To summarize this all, if you want to take control of your life, then learn how to control what goes into your subconscious mind. This article here has been created to help you become aware of your subconscious mind. Now it is up to you to do more studying on it for you to fully comprehend it.
My video on how to program your subconscious mind: http://youtu.be/MyrkgLdumxc
This was written by your friendly neighborhood Neo Askuwheteau.
Email: NeoOneness@Gmail.com
Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau
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