The DiSpiritual Self is who we truly are. Spiritual beings. We all come from our creator. Many people have their own title for our creator. "Source", "God"(most known as this), "The Universe", "All That Is" and many other names. Regardless of what you call our creator, we all come from it.
We start as one whole from the creator and then we split into separate parts to go and experience different things on different planets. This is what "Source" wants us to do. To go, create, learn, experience and come back to it. Our creator's natural state of being is Love and Expansion. It consistently loves everything and everyone.
We are all on Planet Earth to experience, learn and do different things. All of us as Divine Spiritual Beings have our own individual purpose for being on Planet Earth while in human form. Due to us being part of the Universe, which is PURE unconditional love, we ARE PURE unconditional love ourselves also. However, being in this human form and on this planet with all of the distractions, it makes it difficult for most people to perceive this.
Our own natural state of being is Unconditional love, Balance(balance of everything), Abundance and Wisdom. We all have these things naturally inside ourselves. Our Divine Spiritual Self is the "All Knowing". It knows everything we want and need to know that exist in our life, human life, and even about our Universe. This is why it is very important that whenever we feel lost and need help, that we go inside ourselves to receive the information we need that will allow us to make the wisest decision possible.
Once one taps into and remains in their Divine Spiritual Self, one will be able to speak and act from love and wisdom. Most people aren't aware of their Divine Spiritual Self so they remain in their EGO(false self). This is why most people are having stress and problems in their life. The Human Ego speaks and responds out of Fear and insecurity. Another reason to stay connected with your own Divine Spiritual Self.
Staying connected with your Divine Spiritual self also allows you to find out what's truth FOR YOU whenever someone brings you any kind of information. This is great for those times when you hear someone say something like "The government is going to do this, you better prepare for this and that." This is the other person's ego speaking from a state of fear. However, once tapped into your Divine Spiritual Self, you will get all of the information that YOU need in order to make a wise decision about the information that person shared with you(chances are there isn't anything to fear). The Divine Spiritual Self is ETERNAL. It will ALWAYS exist in some shape or form.
With your Divine Spiritual Self knowing that you are eternal, it is fearless. So whenever you feel fear, that is your ego rather than your true self. Most people choose to follow the ego's fear rather than listen to their true self to find out what really is going on with any situation. Whenever a person ignores their true self and choose to go along with their ego, they put themself at some sort of risk of missing something that they may need and/or want. Being in your ego shrinks your perception from seeing the full spectrum of any and all situations in your life.
Once tapped into your true spiritual self, you will be able to perceive the larger picture of everything in your life and also life in general. You will be able to receive new thoughts and creative ideas for whatever you need/want help with in your life. Remember, whenever connecting with your Divine Spiritual Self, you are connecting with "THE ALL KNOWING"! Why wouldn't you want to connect with such a power? It just makes perfect sense to connect with something special like this.
How to connect with your Divine Spiritual Self
Our Divine Spiritual Selves communicates with us while we are in pure stillness. Stillness and silence allows us to perceive and receive the information from our spiritual selves. Traditional meditation is highly recommended. This offers optimum results for us to receive the information. Our spiritual self communicates with us through our thoughts, feelings, and images. Sometimes it connects us to people, places and things in our life. This is why it is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to the people, places and things that come into your life!
The more you intend on connecting with your spiritual self, and you are taking the steps to do so, the easier it will be for you to recognize it's infornation. You can even get to the point where you can receive information from it while you're doing your daily duties.
There is a ton of information on Youtube and the internet that will teach you about traditional meditation. This is why I will avoid going into detail about it here. This article is to help you become aware that your spiritual self exists. Now it is up to you to learn more about it.
As I said, traditional meditation is the best way to connect with your spiritual self, however it's not the only way to do so. Sitting still in a very quiet space without distractions, still allows you to receive information from spirit. There are many times when I just sit in front of my window at home, turn every electronic off, and I receive all of the answers to my questions that I have asked. I also receive some profound wisdom that I never have heard before FROM ANYONE. This is where I get my wisdom from that I share on my social network pages.
Those who are on my Facebook friends list and one of my Youtube subscribers know what I mean. They have read/seen my information that I share with the world.
To sum this all up, we all have a Human Ego side of us(I have an article on this) and a Divine Spiritual side of us. Both are necessary and need to be balanced. Neither of them should be focused on soley more than the other to a large degree. It is very vital to balance them both out. However, it is best to make our major life decisions from our spiritual self.
Thank you for reading.
Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
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