Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Human Ego! What is it?

Many people constantly hear about the human ego.  "That's his/her ego", "he/she is egotistical", and so on and so on.  However, how many people actually know what the EGO is?  What is it's purpose for us?  Do we all have an ego?

In this article of mine, I will do my best to teach you about the human ego and it's purpose for us in this physical plane that we call "Life".  The ego is necessary for us to have here in life on Planet Earth.  It allows us to experience this physical reality that we are in(same function of the physical brain).  It provides us a human identity.  Allowing us to fit in with human life.

The human ego is your 1st and only human identity in your lifetime.  We all receive a new ego each lifetime we incarnate as a human. It records and remembers everything for you ever since you were born and up until now in your life.

First things first, you have to remember that you are a spiritual being.  A Soul.  Not a human.  A Soul that came from what many people call "God", "Source", "The Universe" or whatever you want to call the higher source that provides for everything and everyone.  Before coming into any lifetime as a human, every Soul is fully aware of itself and what it wants and needs to learn in a lifetime on Planet Earth.

Things like, if it wants to to be male or female in a lifetime(the soul is genderless), what type of life it wants to live on Earth, what type of family it wants to incarnate into, what other souls help it wants allowing it to learn different lessons during their own lifetime on Earth.  Earth is one big school for every Soul to learn whatever lesson/s it wants and needs to learn.  There are lessons upon lessons for Souls to learn here on Planet Earth.  So many that the majority of Souls allow themselves to learn their lessons one lifetime at a time.  Imagine you going to a 4 year University and trying to cram those 4 years into 1 year!

Before getting yourself into a human body, you are fully aware of everything you planned to do and learn this trip to Planet Earth.  When a Soul gets into a human body, most Souls completely FORGET EVERYTHING!  They forget who they truly are, their plan, EVERYTHING!  Now they have to stumble around in life, learn the lessons on their own.

As soon as that human baby brain covers up the Soul, the Earth/human illusion has started.  The recording of a Souls experience starts.  Now most begin to believe that you are a human.

The human ego is a self learning program that runs in one's mind.  Once it mentally records everything for you, if needed, it will protect and remind you of what happened anytime during your lifetime before you getting into any current situation(this is where your insecurities are stored).  This recording and reminder is fully automatic.  Not only does it remind you of what happened sometime in your lifetime, but it also makes you perceive, feel and respond certain ways automatically when you are in certain situations in life.

For example, when some people were younger, some have been told "you will never amount to anything".  So the ego, it being an open program that records and believes everything, unless the person changes that belief that was put into them, the ego will continue to carry that within itself.  Now that it has that belief recorded, it makes the persons perception, behavior, thoughts and even words very limited to what he/she can do in life.  The person might really want to do something more in their life than they are currently doing, however because of what their ego heard during their early childhood years, they don't and can't perceive doing more beyond their current state.

This isn't a bad thing for the ego.  It actually believes it's doing it job.  Which it is!  It heard that the person wouldn't amount to anything, and so it makes sure that it protects and maintains that belief.

The ego is also self serving!  It only wants to serve itself and doesn't care much about anyone else besides itself.  Whenever a person is in a group of other people, that one person who believes that they are their ego, they will only look out for themselves.  Looking to only "cover their own butt" so to speak.

It also needs to consistently feel validated.  Feel important.  Think of those times when someone you knew worked so hard to get recognized for doing and/or saying something.  Think about how they might have went out of their way, bent over backwards just so people can say "you did a great job", or "that was terrific".  This person is allowing their ego to control their own perception!

These are some of the phrases that a person who speaks and perceives life from their ego uses on a daily basis:

-"I am better than you"
-"No one is better than me"
-"I need love"(The Soul IS LOVE!  It comes from love)
-"I feel lonely"
-"No one cares about me"
-"I'm fearful for my life"(Souls are fearless)
-"I'll show him/her/them"(The ego seeks to prove itself to other people who it feels threatened by)
-"He/she/they thinks they're smarter than everyone"(Insecurity)
-"If it wasn't for 'such and such', I would have this by now"(they play the "Blame game" frequently)

Overall, the human ego is that human side of us that involves emotions and perceptions of being a human.  At times it can be childish.  This ego tricks most people into believing that they ARE IT!  Which is FALSE!  It is your false self!  The real you is spiritual!  I will go into that with my article about your spiritual self(the real you).

This information here is a opening about the ego.  I advise that you do further study on the ego, what it is and how to identify it so that you yourself can be aware of your own ego.

My name is Neo Askuwheteau.

Thank you for reading.  Please share this article with whomever you feel can use this information to uplift themselves.  Share with your Facebook, twitter and any other of your friends.

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