Tuesday, September 9, 2014

King Status: The Definition


This information comes from the years of me observing and studying various men, studying and developing myself.  Connecting with my Divine Spiritual Essence.

My definition of KING STATUS!!

King Status: When a man is at a very high level mentally and energetically that he commands people's attention doing and saying VERY LITTLE.  When he does speak, he speaks WITH WISDOM.  He acts from the state of strength and balance.

Women respect him, listen to him, and want to be with him.  Men respect him, listen to his wisdom and WANT TO BE HIM!   He IS the Alpha Male.

Characteristics Of A Man Who Has
"King Status"

Awareness of Divine Spiritual Self:  This is the #1 thing that ALL AUTHENTIC kings are aware of, connect to and respond from.  Their divine spiritual self speaks from strength, balance, love and wisdom.  They absolutely avoid thinking, speaking and responding from their Ego identity(False self).  Which is filled with insecurities, arrogance and stupidity.  Any man who speaks and responds this way, ISN'T WORTHY OF KING STATUS!

Boldness:  Authentic kings speak, think and respond out of BOLDNESS!  He is fully capable of having the boldness to speak to anyone at any time to get his point across about anything and anywhere.  Kings avoid backing down from anyone at anytime UNLESS it is a wise thing to do based on the current situation.  IF a King does back down, he does it in a very intellectual and strategic way.  NOTE: just because a King has chosen to back down, DOESN'T mean he has lost the battle, or that he won't come back even stronger any other time around.

Do to his boldness and the strong radiance of his energy, everyone not on his level automatically backs down.  A king doesn't necessarily have to physically fight anyone.  His energy that he radiates alone is what makes people respect him and back down.  Whenever he walks into a room he commands attention just by his energy.

Articulate: Authentic Kings are fully capable of expressing themselves with words to anyone that he feels the need to express himself to.  He is able to provide the words of wisdom that his group needs at any given moment.  A king is fully capable of articulating and admitting his faults.

Takes FULL OWNERSHIP/RESPONSIBILITY: Authentic Kings avoid blaming and pointing fingers at anyone because of their own failures they may have.  Whenever a man does this, he is coming from his Ego identity(false self) and notifying the world that he still hasn't fully dealt with his own insecurities.  How many times have you seen/heard a man complain about his mother, his father, his employer or anyone else for something happening and/or not happening in his own life?  Think about it.

Authentic kings take charge of their own insecurities and life.  If one is to have King Status, be consider a King and have a Queen, THIS IS A VERY VITAL thing to do!

Free Thinkers(Divergents):  Authentic Kings are fully capable of thinking freely for themselves and/or their group.  They are able to come up with very creative and strategic ideas to get just about anything completed.  How many times have you heard men say the same types of things they heard on TV or from anywhere/anyone else?  How many times have you seen men do the same things that just about every other man is doing?  KINGS DON'T DO THIS!

Kings are abstract thinkers!  Their overall thinking process is way above and beyond the average male.  Authentic Kings perceive things that an average man doesn't perceive.  This is how a King is able to get just about anything that he wants and needs in his life.  If he doesn't think abstractly and wisely on a consistent basis, HE'S NOT A KING!

Caring heart: As said earlier, Kings avoid responding and thinking from their Ego identity but rather they do so from their Divine Spiritual Self.  Thinking, speaking and responding from their Divine Spiritual Self allows them to have a caring heart.  Does the man consistently point fingers at people's faults/failures, laughs at them and crack jokes about them?  If so, HE'S NOT A KING!  Does he consistently help people whenever he can even if it's just some words of wisdom?  This is a great indication that he's a king!

In summary

A King consistently thinks, speaks, and responds from his Divine Spiritual Self(true self), very rarely from his ego identity(false self), very BOLD, Articulate, a FREE THINKER, and has a caring heart.  Another thing that most fail to realize is that a King is fully capable of admitting his faults whenever he has been in the wrong.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if the man you are considering to place into the role of leadership/kingship within your life doesn't have AT LEAST these qualities, then you might want to rethink bringing him in and giving him the title as "King", "Leader" or even "Captain".

This is a basic overview of what it means to be considered a "King".  Something to get people to really THINK before they call a man "King" and also for men themselves to figure out what they need to do if they want to be considered as one.

Thank you very much for reading!  This information is coming from and has been written by your friendly neighborhood Neo Askuwheteau.

Note: If you would like to stay updated with my blog articles then you can do so by signing up by email to the right of my blog site.  Doing so will allow you to receive my new blog articles by email the moment that they are posted.

Also, I highly recommend that you go back and read some of my previous articles.

Check out my book on Amazon.com titled "Committed Relationships: The Starting Process To The Process".  Click the link below. 

Committed Relationships: The Starting Process To The Process

 Email: NeoOneness@Gmail.com
Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
Twitter: NeoOneness13
 Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

                                               Email: NeoOneness@Gmail.com
                                               Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

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