How to become FEARLESS
From the time we are all born into our physical human body, programs of fear begins to be put into our minds. Fear that causes us to obey our governments, parents, teachers, and various other authority figures. Most people give into their fears easily and effortlessly. Making them feel powerless. What fear does, if you allow it to, overtakes you, it paralyzes and prevents you from doing what you want and/or need to do. For example, it prevents you from speaking to that woman/man you see whom you want to talk to, it prevents you from asking for any kind of help that you may seriously need, and even sometimes as small as asking to sit next to someone.
However, regardless of how things appear to us, someone appears larger and more muscular than us, more intelligent, dress better than us or whatever, we can still overcome our fear and then become fearless of anything and anyone. Fear is an indication that something is out of alignment with who we truly are and want to do. That something is some sort of belief that tells us something that's not true about the situation/person. Somewhere down the line we began to believe it's a real thing that we should be scared of. It's all about perceptions
Once we take a deep breath, relax our body, then ask ourselves, "What is it that is causing me to feel this way about this person/place and/or thing"? Relax and wait to see what comes to your mind or feelings. Chances are that there isn't anything to worry about in the 1st place. Once you relax, then you will be able to perceive what's really going on with the situation. If you don't relax, your perception of the situation will be very limited and then you might not end up overcoming the fear.
If you don't overcome your fear, then you might lose your opportunity to do what you want and/or need to do.
The human body has built in it a "Survival kit". In this survival kit, also contains an automatic scanning system. This scanning system scans the environment it is in consistently for any kind of potential danger that could be caused to the body. If it senses danger, whether it's something to be considered danger or not, it will start to release various hormones and increase it's heart rate to prepare itself for fight or flight. To stand it's ground to fight something and/or someone, or to flee from the situation. If one isn't aware of this and knows how to deal with it, they never will be able to overcome their own fear.
The fight or flight response can be overridden. Once one knows how to do it. Taking deep breaths once you feel your heart rate raising is the very 1st thing you want to do. Get your heart rate down as much as possible. You won't be able to think and observe what's going on around you if your heart rate and breathing isn't normal. Then afterwards, observe what's going on around you without engaging. ONLY engage if you have to. Regardless, observe, think and then engage(if necessary).
One major thing that I have recently learned about overcoming fear also in my life is this: the more you run away from a person, place or thing, the more power you give to them and/or it. If it is someone pursuing you for any reason and if you continue to run, the more they will seek you out. However, once you stop running, once you turn around and FACE THEM, this is when they themselves many times will start to fall back and leave you alone. If not instantly then gradually.
Think about those times when someone was bullying you in some sort of way, the moment you stopped running and you stood up for yourself, what happened? Even if it was a simply gesture from you standing up for yourself. I have done this many times with various people from my family who kept talking crap about me both behind my back and to me through text or Facebook. The moment I stepped to them face to face to address the issue, they decided to shrink back. After I experienced this with my family, I started to do it to other people. I received the same results!
If you take the time to relax and overcome your fear, you might be very surprised to see how many people are actually more fearful than they appear. Once I realized this, that alone provided a major boost in my own confidence.
It truly helps if you know how to communicate effectively and efficiently to get your point across. Meaning you know how to LISTEN and respond effectively and efficiently. Developing your communication skills can go a very long way if you do that now. It will help you in various ways in life. Sometimes in some situations, all you have to do is ask a few questions to get information about if it's even worth you continuing to respond to the person/group. Some cases their not worth responding to and therefore you can move forward with your life.
Asking the right questions is a great way to get the information you need to know where people are coming from. Sometimes the situation may have started from something that you said some time ago that got the other person's water boiling and about to burst(they never spoke to you about it earlier). If you respond with just a few correct words, then sometimes that will negate the situation.
So overall, whenever you take a deep breath, and relax your body, your perception of the situation will open up and allow you to see the situation for what it really is. Depending on the situation, taking small actions to move you towards what you want and/or need can help you build enough confidence to overcome your fear of the person/place or thing.
My name is Neo Askuwheteau(Ask-U-Whet-oo).
Great perspective!