Monday, September 15, 2014

The Reflection Of Life: Life is ONLY a REFLECTION!

Many people have heard the phrase "Life is what you make it."  However, how many people actually comprehend what this means?  Very few people are taught and know what this means and are able to incorporate it into their own lives fully.

There are a few quotes that I like that are from Buddha: "The mind is everything. What you think you become."  "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."  These 2 quotes from Buddha simply emphasis that we create our life with our thoughts and beliefs.  A belief is a thought that we keep thinking about over and over again until it becomes a belief.  Once it becomes a belief, then it becomes automatic.  

Once it becomes automatic, it then becomes unconscious.  When it becomes unconscious, we're unaware of those beliefs.  Those beliefs control our speech, actions and thoughts.  We are unaware of them until we stop to take a look at them for ourselves.  However, how many people of this planet actually makes the time to look at their own beliefs?  Think about it.

Our world is connected to an energy field that permeates everything in our universe.  We ourselves are connected to this energy field.  This energy field is completly formless until we consciously or even unconsciously decide to use it to form anything to come into our life(read my formless substance article).  With our inner beliefs always running for us during our daily life, they make us do, act and say things that's based on them.  Our words, thoughts and actions have vibrations to them.  

Each time we do and/or say something, those vibrations go up into the energy field.  Once up in the energy field, then the field starts to form whatever it is that we consistently speak, think, and envision on a daily basis.  Once the field has completed the form of whatever one has put into it, it then gets reflected back to us in various ways.  By something people consistently do and/or say to/for us, the condition of the environments that we are put in, the condition of the various items we receive from different people and/or places.  Various things get reflected back to us due to what we consistently think about, speak about, and our actions that we perform.

This works both when we think we are being positive or negative in any situation.  Whatever we consistently radiate out, it reflects back to us.

                                                                    In Summary

In conclusion, if you don't like the way that your life is, then examine as many of your own beliefs about it.  Question the many things that you do and say on a daily basis.  Ask why do you think the current way about the people, places and things in your life.  If the response you get doesn't make sense to you and doesn't serve you a purpose, then let it go and figure out what you would like to believe in place of that belief.  Try it out and see how your life reflects your new beliefs back to you.

This will help you feel empowered and in control of your life rather than feeling like most people who feel like everything just happens to them.

Thank you very much for reading!  My name is Neo Askuwheteau(ASK-U-WHET-OO).  To stay updated with my new articles you are welcome to subscribe to them.

                                                       Follow me on Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Friday, September 12, 2014

Finding Your Life's Purpose: How to find yours

As I have said before in a few of my articles that I have written, we are all Divine Spiritual Beings that come into human form here on Planet Earth. Each of us as individual soul's have our own purpose for being here on this planet. Some of us are meant to be healers to help heal people in various ways, some as psychics to help people communicate with the spirit side, some as teachers/councilors and many other things. It is up to each individual's responsibility to find out what their purpose for being on this planet is. If they don't, life won't be much of a joy for them as if they did.

For most, a spiritual being coming to Planet Earth can be similar to stepping into a unfamiliar pitch black room. You have to fumble and stumble to find the switch in order to turn the lights on for you to see things around you. A veil is put over most souls once they come into human form and this prevents them from remembering who they are and their purpose for being here. Then the soul has to go through all of the experiences that they came to experience and anything else that they have to experience in life as a human.

For most souls, once on the planet in human form, they get too caught up in the usual human game. Taking life too seriously.  The usual human game is mostly of fear. Fear is spread on the planet to control people and it makes them feel like they can only do certain things. If turns them into a prisoner of their own mind. However, fear is only an illusion. It's not real.

People can choose or refuse to play that game. Fear shrinks people's perception of overall life and prevents them from perceiving their Divine Spiritual Self(the true self). Once one refuses to fall into the trap of fear, and then chooses to live a life filled with joy and happiness, then their perception of life widens and they are much more likely to be able to perceive their divine spiritual self.

There are so many distractions that were and are created to distract people from finding out their soul's purpose on this planet also. Some souls came here to play a major role to change various things here on Planet Earth. These are what I call “The game changers.” They come here to make or at least influence a major change to the planet itself and the people of it. Regarding the people of it, these souls came here to help raise people's consciousness level so that the human race can evolve to the next level that it's supposed to be on.

The manipulators of this dimension that most of us exists on, they don't want humans to evolve to become higher beings. They want to keep as many humans on a very low consciousness level as possible, allowing them to be easily controlled. This is done by the creation and use of the media and various other methods. This keeps people distracted from raising their consciousness level. remembering who they truly are and finding out their life's purpose.

Finding your own life's purpose

Everyone since their childhood gets various clues to what their life's purpose is. It's just that not many people pay close attention to these clues. One major way to find out your true spiritual life's purpose is to pay attention to what frequently occurs in your life that you are successful at, that brings you great joy, that you absolutely love, and that is of service to other people. All of our spiritual life's purpose here on this planet is to be of service to other people of some sort to raise people mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. One or more of these things.

Ask yourself, "what I am doing in my life currently, is it of service to other people?  Does it help raise their consciousness, mental, energy and spiritual level?"  If you can't answer this or if not, then chances are you're not doing your life's spiritual work.  What you came here to do.

Most people aren't doing their life's work. Some people are aware that they are supposed to do something more in their life but they choose not to find out what it is. This human game seems to be too interesting to them that they don't want to find out their life's purpose and then get to work on it.

Here is a great example of my own experience on how I got clues to what I'm supposed to be doing in life. From my early 20's and to now, whenever I go places, random strangers would just open up to me and start discussing to me their issues that they have in life. As IF they feel that I am their councilor or something. Also while talking to them, sometimes it feels to me that I know them more than they know themselves! So I end up providing them various solutions to their problems as if we just had a spiritual consultation of some sort!

Once I started developing interest in spiritual material, that's when I started to find out more about my life's purpose. I started spending more time alone in silence to quiet my mind and relax my body. One can do traditional meditation to find out their own life's purpose if they choose to.  However it's not necessary. For me, I started to recognize the communication from my spiritual self just by paying attention to my own thoughts. This is one way it communicates with us(read my Divine Spiritual self article).

Then one day while sitting at my mother's house in her office studying, spiritual transmissions started to come through to me about my mission. It said to “provide people with different perspectives on life.” To help them see that they have different choices to choose from rather than the one that they feel stuck in and are currently living. Helping them improve their life. I also got information that I am to be a teacher, councilor, lecture and/or a coach. So this truly explains why people enjoy talking to me, and why I enjoy providing people with information that helps their life!

In summary

In closing, to find your life's purpose you have to 1st set an intention to do so. You have to seriously want to find out what your purpose is. I guarantee you that it involves being of service to the people of planet earth as mentioned earlier. You can set your intention by saying out loud “What is my life's purpose?” Find a quiet place for you to sit alone, and then say this. Saying this out loud or even as a whisper, your spiritual self can here you and becomes aware that you want to know what your purpose is. After you ask this, be very quiet and still. Pay very close attention to your thoughts, feelings and even visions.

Your response can come in any of these ways. If you don't perceive the information during this sitting then don't worry about it. Due to you setting the intention to find your purpose, the spirit will make sure that it reveals to you what it is. It wants you to know this information anyways. Now after your sit down session, be very aware of the situations that occur in your life. The spirit will some times bring people, places and things into your life to provide you answers to your questions.

This could mean people, books, magazines, and even this article that you are reading(articles from my own blog). Anything to point you into the correct direction to get answers to your questions that you ask the spirit. What's most important is that you ask and you then shall receive.

Thank you very much for reading. This article has been written by your friendly neighborhood spiritual teacher Neo Askuwheteau.

To stay updated with me and the new information that I share with people on Facebook, you can follow me on Facebook under my name.

Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Mother's Mama's Boy: Does He Ever Truly Grow Up?

Many men born here in America have been brought up in homes without a father and have been raised by their mother. For the father's of these men, their own father's weren't there for them either. So for the man who helped create a young boy, he himself, left unchecked, will most likely be just like his own father. This is a continuous cycle that goes on and on with so many fatherless families.

The Father

When many men were younger during childhood, many either had half of a father around, or went without having one at all. Having half of a father means, you have a man in the house who helped create a young boy, and that man fails to take full responsibility of the situation that he helped create. So the father usually chooses to do what he wants to do regardless of what's needed around the house and along with his family, considering if he lives with his family. Some choose to drink, take drugs, allow their time to be dominated by being at their place of employment, run around with different women, and various other things that keeps him away from home. Meanwhile the mother and son are at home doing their best to get along with each other and live the best way that they can.

For many fathers, growing up, they themselves never got the chance to see a positive, productive male father figure in their life. So this doesn't allow them to even have the desire to be a man and stand up to their responsibility that they helped create. As said earlier, if the man doesn't figure this out for himself, then he will continue to play a part in this vicious cycle of fatherless families.

The Mother

The mother for many young males are loving, open hearted and truly want the best for their young son. They want him to grow up to be as strong of a man as possible. There are also mothers who are still obsessed with the father of the boy regardless of how the father treats her and her son. Then sometimes completely neglecting her responsibilities as a mother for her son. For now, I'll focus on the 1st mother mentioned who takes care of her responsibilities.

The open hearted mother does everything she can to care for her son. She makes sure that they spend lots of time together to create a strong bond between each other. She teaches him everything she can about life. Meanwhile, this is all good and wise, however, you have to keep in mind that this is a MALE that she is dealing with, and he is only around and being taught by a female. Whenever a young male is being fully raised and taught by a female, he is absorbing everything feminine. Especially feminine energy and also a feminine mindset. If a mother wants her young male to grow up as a strong minded BALANCED male, then it is very vital that she gets him around strong minded balanced males AND females.

Time and time again, young fatherless males are raised and taught only by a female. Many woman fail to get their young sons around other strong minded men that can give her son some kind of positive and productive images to view. Keep in mind, the more productive and positive images young people see, the more likely they themselves will be developed and have the desire to be the same(read my subconscious mind article). If a young boy continues to be taught and raised by a woman, it will be very difficult for him to be transformed into a strong minded and balanced man. Think about it.

This is the #1 reason why there aren't strong minded and balanced men in the world currently. The upbringing of a young male is VERY vital for them to become strong, positive and productive adults. If a parent/s fail to provide this to their young male, then chances are, they won't end up much different from their father.

The Son

Every male once he gets to a certain age, he starts to develop his own mind and wants to start making his own choices. This is the prime time to notice what he has absorbed from his childhood. Depending on the people, places and things that he has been around, he will start to behave in similar ways of those things. Even his dress will reflect the people, places and things that he chooses to surround himself by.

Overall, once a young male gets into his teens and 20's, he still has a choice on what type of man he wants to be. He has the choice to be just like his father(weak minded and useless, depending on how the father is), or better than his father in as many ways possible. Nothing for the young male is set in stone. What's most important is that he focuses on developing his mind to have the mindset that he wants.

My Father Experience

This is similar to my own experience with my father. My father fully left out of my life when I was 16. While sitting down in my room alone, I received some spiritual information that he wasn't going to come back into my life. The information came through like this: “Your father isn't coming back into your life. Don't cry. Just learn what you have to learn and then move on with your life.” I sat for a few minutes and said to myself out loud “huh, he's not coming back into my life.” So from then on I focused my time and energy learning what I felt I had to learn about being a man.

Early on at some point, I knew that me being around my mother and learning from her wasn't going to help develop myself into a strong minded man. She herself wasn't strong minded, so I certainly wasn't going to learn being strong minded from her. What I did was I studied, studied and studied!

I read as many books as possible that I felt I could learn anything from, even if it would be just one major thing about being a strong minded man. I also decided to sit back and observe various men I both knew and didn't know. This allowed me to see various sides of a man. I looked at men in various movies, looked at their faults, failures and successes. Doing all of this allowed me to get my own perceptive about what a man is and his responsibilities in life and especially dealing with women.

If a young male is to have his own perception on life as a man, it is very important for him to study and observe what it is to be one. He is less likely to receive and perceive this type of image and information by being fully raised and taught by a woman.

In Summary

Yes it is very good and wise that a mother wants to and actually takes very good care of her son, however it is also vital for her to get him around other men who offer him a positive and productive image to look at. Balance is the key! If a mother fails to do this, IF left unchecked by himself, then her son is more than likely to end up like most weak minded men in this world. Men who are ego based, disempowered and who abuse women in various ways. This is something for every parent and potential parent to consider.

This article has been written by your neighborhood spiritual teacher Neo Askuwheteau

Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

The Importance Of Forgiveness

Forgive: Releasing resentment towards someone and/or something. Letting go of anger. Saying “I'm Sorry” to another person.

Forgiveness is something that is extremely important for all of us if we all want to be able to move forward with our lives. Each person has the choice to let go of anger, or continue to hang on to it for as long as they choose. Each time a person holds onto anger because of something that someone said and/or did to them, they internalize that anger and it sticks inside of their physical body. Whenever a person holds onto a toxic emotion inside of their body such as anger, it eventually builds up and starts to manifest into some sort of disease.

Whenever a person lets go of the anger, they will feel a relief from within themself that will allow them to move forward with your life and continue to be healthy. Once a person lets go of all of their anger that they have inside themselves, they release resistance to all of the good and positive things that life can offer them. Good things in life like abundance and prosperity. Just think, whenever a person is an angry person, not many people want to be around them. However, whenever a person is a very happy person, many people want to be around that person and even give the person various things.

Radiating happiness into the world allows more happiness to come into ones life. Radiating anger into the world attracts more anger into a person's life. This is why it is very vital for one to learn to forgive and allow themselves to move on with their life. Life always goes on as long as you allow your life to do so.

I myself learned this on my own on a major degree when I once got into a heated argument with my 15 year old niece. We were in my mom's car and I was driving. My mother in the passenger's seat, my niece in the back and her mother was to the right of her. I started to see how she wasn't respecting her mother or my own mother(her grandmother). So I said something about it to my niece, and my niece said something disrespectful to me. Once she said that, I just snapped while driving and I myself yelled at her with so much anger!

This was my very 1st time in a very long time that I have ever yelled like that at anyone. I myself am usually a calm and relaxed type of person. However at that moment, something just pulled me out of my comfort zone and made me snap at her.

So that day went by and the next day came. I then asked my divine spiritual self, “what should I do regarding my niece?” It literally said, “tell her that you are sorry about yelling at her.” I stopped for a second. My ego wasn't too pleased with what it heard lol. However I knew that if the spirit says to do something and especially after I asked for help, it's a wise thing for me to do what it says.

I waited for the perfect time when her and I got some alone time to talk to her. We were in the kitchen and I turned to her and looked her in the eye and said “I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I didn't mean it”. And INSTANLY just like that she said that she was sorry also! It was like my words saying sorry was a warm butter knife and she was a stick of butter and my words of forgiveness just sliced right through her lol! After that moment I seriously realized what forgiving does for oneself and also for other people.

In Summary

Overall, if you want to be able to move forward with your life, and to release that anger that you have inside of yourself, you HAVE to forgive! Find out what type of anger you have inside of yourself and find out where it came from. Who are you still mad at currently and why. Find out if you can find that person. If you can, figure out the best way you feel most comfortable saying sorry to them. This will then allow you to release that anger that is inside of you currently.

Thank you very much for reading! This article has been written by your friendly neighborhood spiritual teacher Neo Askuwheteau.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

King Status: The Definition


This information comes from the years of me observing and studying various men, studying and developing myself.  Connecting with my Divine Spiritual Essence.

My definition of KING STATUS!!

King Status: When a man is at a very high level mentally and energetically that he commands people's attention doing and saying VERY LITTLE.  When he does speak, he speaks WITH WISDOM.  He acts from the state of strength and balance.

Women respect him, listen to him, and want to be with him.  Men respect him, listen to his wisdom and WANT TO BE HIM!   He IS the Alpha Male.

Characteristics Of A Man Who Has
"King Status"

Awareness of Divine Spiritual Self:  This is the #1 thing that ALL AUTHENTIC kings are aware of, connect to and respond from.  Their divine spiritual self speaks from strength, balance, love and wisdom.  They absolutely avoid thinking, speaking and responding from their Ego identity(False self).  Which is filled with insecurities, arrogance and stupidity.  Any man who speaks and responds this way, ISN'T WORTHY OF KING STATUS!

Boldness:  Authentic kings speak, think and respond out of BOLDNESS!  He is fully capable of having the boldness to speak to anyone at any time to get his point across about anything and anywhere.  Kings avoid backing down from anyone at anytime UNLESS it is a wise thing to do based on the current situation.  IF a King does back down, he does it in a very intellectual and strategic way.  NOTE: just because a King has chosen to back down, DOESN'T mean he has lost the battle, or that he won't come back even stronger any other time around.

Do to his boldness and the strong radiance of his energy, everyone not on his level automatically backs down.  A king doesn't necessarily have to physically fight anyone.  His energy that he radiates alone is what makes people respect him and back down.  Whenever he walks into a room he commands attention just by his energy.

Articulate: Authentic Kings are fully capable of expressing themselves with words to anyone that he feels the need to express himself to.  He is able to provide the words of wisdom that his group needs at any given moment.  A king is fully capable of articulating and admitting his faults.

Takes FULL OWNERSHIP/RESPONSIBILITY: Authentic Kings avoid blaming and pointing fingers at anyone because of their own failures they may have.  Whenever a man does this, he is coming from his Ego identity(false self) and notifying the world that he still hasn't fully dealt with his own insecurities.  How many times have you seen/heard a man complain about his mother, his father, his employer or anyone else for something happening and/or not happening in his own life?  Think about it.

Authentic kings take charge of their own insecurities and life.  If one is to have King Status, be consider a King and have a Queen, THIS IS A VERY VITAL thing to do!

Free Thinkers(Divergents):  Authentic Kings are fully capable of thinking freely for themselves and/or their group.  They are able to come up with very creative and strategic ideas to get just about anything completed.  How many times have you heard men say the same types of things they heard on TV or from anywhere/anyone else?  How many times have you seen men do the same things that just about every other man is doing?  KINGS DON'T DO THIS!

Kings are abstract thinkers!  Their overall thinking process is way above and beyond the average male.  Authentic Kings perceive things that an average man doesn't perceive.  This is how a King is able to get just about anything that he wants and needs in his life.  If he doesn't think abstractly and wisely on a consistent basis, HE'S NOT A KING!

Caring heart: As said earlier, Kings avoid responding and thinking from their Ego identity but rather they do so from their Divine Spiritual Self.  Thinking, speaking and responding from their Divine Spiritual Self allows them to have a caring heart.  Does the man consistently point fingers at people's faults/failures, laughs at them and crack jokes about them?  If so, HE'S NOT A KING!  Does he consistently help people whenever he can even if it's just some words of wisdom?  This is a great indication that he's a king!

In summary

A King consistently thinks, speaks, and responds from his Divine Spiritual Self(true self), very rarely from his ego identity(false self), very BOLD, Articulate, a FREE THINKER, and has a caring heart.  Another thing that most fail to realize is that a King is fully capable of admitting his faults whenever he has been in the wrong.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if the man you are considering to place into the role of leadership/kingship within your life doesn't have AT LEAST these qualities, then you might want to rethink bringing him in and giving him the title as "King", "Leader" or even "Captain".

This is a basic overview of what it means to be considered a "King".  Something to get people to really THINK before they call a man "King" and also for men themselves to figure out what they need to do if they want to be considered as one.

Thank you very much for reading!  This information is coming from and has been written by your friendly neighborhood Neo Askuwheteau.

Note: If you would like to stay updated with my blog articles then you can do so by signing up by email to the right of my blog site.  Doing so will allow you to receive my new blog articles by email the moment that they are posted.

Also, I highly recommend that you go back and read some of my previous articles.

Check out my book on titled "Committed Relationships: The Starting Process To The Process".  Click the link below. 

Committed Relationships: The Starting Process To The Process

Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
Twitter: NeoOneness13
 Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

                                               Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

The Divine Spiritual Self(the REAL you)

The DiSpiritual Self is who we truly are.  Spiritual beings.  We all come from our creator.  Many people have their own title for our creator.  "Source", "God"(most known as this), "The Universe", "All That Is" and many other names.  Regardless of what you call our creator, we all come from it.

We start as one whole from the creator and then we split into separate parts to go and experience different things on different planets.  This is what "Source" wants us to do.  To go, create, learn, experience and come back to it.  Our creator's natural state of being is Love and Expansion.  It consistently loves everything and everyone.

We are all on Planet Earth to experience, learn and do different things.  All of us as Divine Spiritual Beings have our own individual purpose for being on Planet Earth while in human form.  Due to us being part of the Universe, which is PURE unconditional love, we ARE PURE unconditional love ourselves also.  However, being in this human form and on this planet with all of the distractions, it makes it difficult for most people to perceive this.

Our own natural state of being is Unconditional love, Balance(balance of everything), Abundance and Wisdom.  We all have these things naturally inside ourselves.  Our Divine Spiritual Self is the "All Knowing".  It knows everything we want and need to know that exist in our life, human life, and even about our Universe.  This is why it is very important that whenever we feel lost and need help, that we go inside ourselves to receive the information we need that will allow us to make the wisest decision possible.

Once one taps into and remains in their Divine Spiritual Self, one will be able to speak and act from love and wisdom.  Most people aren't aware of their Divine Spiritual Self so they remain in their EGO(false self).  This is why most people are having stress and problems in their life.  The Human Ego speaks and responds out of Fear and insecurity.  Another reason to stay connected with your own Divine Spiritual Self.

Staying connected with your Divine Spiritual self also allows you to find out what's truth FOR YOU whenever someone brings you any kind of information.  This is great for those times when you hear someone say something like "The government is going to do this, you better prepare for this and that."  This is the other person's ego speaking from a state of fear.  However, once tapped into your Divine Spiritual Self, you will get all of the information that YOU need in order to make a wise decision about the information that person shared with you(chances are there isn't anything to fear).  The Divine Spiritual Self is ETERNAL. It will ALWAYS exist in some shape or form.

With your Divine Spiritual Self knowing that you are eternal, it is fearless.  So whenever you feel fear, that is your ego rather than your true self.  Most people choose to follow the ego's fear rather than listen to their true self to find out what really is going on with any situation.  Whenever a person ignores their true self and choose to go along with their ego, they put themself at some sort of risk of missing something that they may need and/or want.  Being in your ego shrinks your perception from seeing the full spectrum of any and all situations in your life.

Once tapped into your true spiritual self, you will be able to perceive the larger picture of everything in your life and also life in general.  You will be able to receive new thoughts and creative ideas for whatever you need/want help with in your life.  Remember, whenever connecting with your Divine Spiritual Self, you are connecting with "THE ALL KNOWING"!  Why wouldn't you want to connect with such a power?  It just makes perfect sense to connect with something special like this.

How to connect with your Divine Spiritual Self

Our Divine Spiritual Selves communicates with us while we are in pure stillness.  Stillness and silence allows us to perceive and receive the information from our spiritual selves.  Traditional meditation is highly recommended.  This offers optimum results for us to receive the information.  Our spiritual self communicates with us through our thoughts, feelings, and images.  Sometimes it connects us to people, places and things in our life.  This is why it is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to the people, places and things that come into your life!

The more you intend on connecting with your spiritual self, and you are taking the steps to do so, the easier it will be for you to recognize it's infornation.  You can even get to the point where you can receive information from it while you're doing your daily duties.  

There is a ton of information on Youtube and the internet that will teach you about traditional meditation.  This is why I will avoid going into detail about it here.  This article is to help you become aware that your spiritual self exists.  Now it is up to you to learn more about it.

As I said, traditional meditation is the best way to connect with your spiritual self, however it's not the only way to do so.  Sitting still in a very quiet space without distractions, still allows you to receive information from spirit.  There are many times when I just sit in front of my window at home, turn every electronic off, and I receive all of the answers to my questions that I have asked.  I also receive some profound wisdom that I never have heard before FROM ANYONE.  This is where I get my wisdom from that I share on my social network pages.

Those who are on my Facebook friends list and one of my Youtube subscribers know what I mean.  They have read/seen my information that I share with the world.

To sum this all up, we all have a Human Ego side of us(I have an article on this) and a Divine Spiritual side of us.  Both are necessary and need to be balanced.  Neither of them should be focused on soley more than the other to a large degree.  It is very vital to balance them both out.  However, it is best to make our major life decisions from our spiritual self.

Thank you for reading.


Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Subconscious Mind: What is it?

We as humans of Planet Earth have 2 minds(some say more) that we primarily use on a daily basis.  We have a Conscious and a Subconscious Mind(a higher mind also).  They both have different functions that help us throughout our lives.  They both work best when they are in unison with each other.

The function of the conscious mind:

-Daily decision making.  This includes everything from what we choose to wear every day to what we choose to talk about.


-The guardian of the subconscious mind.  The protector of any new information it doesn't want to get into the subconscious mind

The Functions of the Subconscious mind:

-It holds all of our beliefs since we were a child all up until now

-All of our bodily functions

-Is our connection to our divine spiritual self and the spiritual world

-Depending on its programming, it provides us with productive/creative or destructive ideas

And many other things.

Whatever is held in the Conscious mind on a daily consistent basis, automatically gets picked up by the Subconscious mind and becomes a belief.  Once it becomes a belief, then IT MUST become a reality for us. Whatever the belief is, IT MUST come into our life and it becomes something that we perceive!

As you can see, the subconscious mind is very powerful and does a lot for us!  However, most people aren't aware that they have different minds and the proper way to utilize both.  This is what I intend to do with this article.  To teach you how to utilize both.

Our life is created by our thoughts, inner beliefs and our energy that we radiate from within ourselves.  Our subconscious mind puts us in states of being that it is programmed to be in.  For example: if you were brought up in a poor environment, then more than likely you have been taught by poor people who have poor thoughts and beliefs themselves.  If you were brought up in a wealthy environment around wealthy people who have thoughts of wealth, then chances are, if you remained around them most of your life, that you will have the same thoughts and beliefs of wealth.

From the time that we are all born, our subconscious mind starts recording everything that goes on around us.  It starts to record other people's sayings/phrases to us, and then the more they are said to us, our subconscious mind will take that as true, then use it to create our life to be that way.  Whenever people say "Money is for the rich and wealthy only", when it's said consistently, your subconscious mind takes that as a belief and will do EVERYTHING in it's power to prevent you from receiving any amount of money in large amounts. Whenever someone teaches you from birth that "Being wealthy is our birthright", your subconscious mind will allow you to feel comfortable about being wealthy and put you in situations for you to receive wealth.

Our subconscious mind is very sensitive to its surroundings.  It gets programmed to do and have you say certain things by images, daily actions, and even words that flash quickly on a monitor(TV) that the conscious mind is unable to pick up.  Bypassing the guardian. There have been various studies of the past and present that proves this.  The TV programmers already know this kind of stuff.  This is why if you watch TV, when you're at home or out and about somewhere, you will get a desire to eat at a fast food restaurant and that desire comes out of nowhere.

This is due to those images of various fast food restaurants that have been flashed in front of you while watching TV.  If you weren't watching TV at all, you less likely would have had that desire to go and eat at any fast food restaurant.  Watching TV programs our subconscious mind to do various things that if we weren't watching it, we wouldn't do or say those things.  This is why it's called "Tv programming".

This is one reason why I feel that there are so many arguments between people.  They consistently view other people on TV arguing with each other and that gets planted into the subconscious mind and makes people feel like they have to argue with other people.  Another reason why there is so much TEEN PREGNANCY!  Think about all of the SEXUAL IMAGES being shown on TV.  This is to get you to stay focused on sex rather than anything mature and spiritual.

Yes some teen pregnancy shows say some positive things.  However, it's those images being shown of the teenagers having babies that gets picked up by the subconscious mind.  Then, the more the teenager views those shows, the more the images gets planted into their subconscious mind.  Then it becomes a belief in their mind.  Once it becomes a belief, then it becomes a reality FOR THEM.

Make a time/s for you to stop and ask yourself "Why do I do and say this?"  "Is this really necessary?"  You might be amazed at what you uncover.  Some of the things that we currently do and say aren't really necessary.  These are programs that have been running automatically in our minds for much of our life causing us to do and say things we aren't aware of.

This is why I encourage people that if you want more control over your life, cancel ALL of your TV services and just watch movies of your choice.  IF you choose to keep a TV in your home at all.  TV doesn't encourage people to be focused on their divine spiritual selves.  It doesn't teach you your own SOUL purpose for being born here on earth.  It actually inflates the ego(your false self)

However, with the technology that we have currently, it is much easier for use to program our subconscious mind.  There are subliminal videos all over Youtube that you can view and also audio mp3's that you can listen to that help you to program new beliefs.  There are endless amounts of these videos and mp3's that program our minds to do various things like: create more wealth in our life, become more confident, and even to allowing ourselves to have more spiritual experiences.  All of our current programming either allows or doesn't allow us to perceive certain things in our life.

Whatever is held in the Conscious mind on a daily consistent basis, automatically gets picked up by the Subconscious mind and becomes a belief.  Once it becomes a belief, then IT MUST become a reality for us. Whatever the belief is, IT MUST come into our life!

To summarize this all, if you want to take control of your life, then learn how to control what goes into your subconscious mind.  This article here has been created to help you become aware of your subconscious mind.  Now it is up to you to do more studying on it for you to fully comprehend it.

My video on how to program your subconscious mind:

This was written by your friendly neighborhood Neo Askuwheteau.

                                                    Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
                                                    Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Parental Immaturity=Childhood Insecurities

Most parents mean well for their child/children.  Most only want the best for them and they will do whatever they can to provide this for them.  However, there are parents who are children raising their children.  In this article, I will point out to you the reasons for me saying this.  Some might surprise you.

This information came from my experience dealing with my own parents.  Once I resolved my own childhood issues, I then were able to perceive my parents.  Like I remember a large portion of my life living with my mother, she would say to me "You're so selfish, you're just like you're father."  The whole time she would never teach me to give.  Then, years later when I moved out on my own and then spent time with her, turns out now SHE'S the one who's selfish!

Regarding my father, it was always extremely easy for him to get angry.  We didn't have to do or say much to get him angry.  It was like we had to walk on egg shells while being around him without making him angry. When I talk to him now, I see that he wasn't prepared mentally and emotionally for marriage or having his own children.

Whenever a person is born, their minds automatically starts to record everything and everyone around them. All of the events that they go to, everything that the people around them do and especially say.  The things that the young child sees and hears starts to become beliefs into their own belief  system.  The habits of their parents are seen and heard by the child and the child begins to take on those habits themselves.

Unless the child when they get older realizes and then changes these habits that they've picked up from their parents, then these habits will be continued by the person and they will pop up into their future relationships with other people.  Habits like: not respecting people when they are talking, not cleaning up after themselves, not caring about what they say to another person, and overall being irresponsible.

There are good habits that a child can pick up from their parent/s also!  Habits like: Respecting other people while they are speaking, appreciating other people's gifts whenever given to them, caring for and sharing with other people and so forth.

Parents themselves have to be mentally, emotionally and physically adults.  This is if they want to have their child to be a strong minded, responsible and caring adult.  If the parents aren't already this before they have a child/children, then it will be very difficult to do accomplish this.

Many parents for many centuries have been passing on many of the same insecurities of their own parents and also have created new ones for themselves.  Then the cycle continues to their own children.  Then unless someone realizes what's been going on, it will then continue.  Someone at some point has to realize this cycle and then help put a stop to it.

The insecurities that many parents currently have, they frequently project them onto their children in various situations.  Example: When a young child says something that a parent doesn't like, whether it was intentionally or unintentionally said, the parent just REACTS with anger without 1st thinking.  This is an insecurity somewhere inside the parent that popped up and made the parent react without thinking. Whenever a person just reacts negatively to a person and/or situation, that person has some sort of insecurity within themselves that needs to be dealt with. So instead of being angry at yourself, use that opportunity for growth!

If you don't have an insecurity/negative belief about a person, place and/or thing, then there won't be a need to just REACT negatively towards it.  Think about it.

Everyone can use these moments to recognize that we have something that needs to be resolved.  So make a time for yourself afterwards to sit alone in silence somewhere.  Then ask yourself, "what was it that caused me to react that way that I did?"  Sit and wait to see what kind of thoughts, visions and/or feelings you get.  If you don't perceive anything that sitting, then do another one at another time.

Regardless, as long as you asked, the answer will come in some shape or form.  You have to remain open to resolving the insecurity.  Then you will receive the answer much faster and know what to do afterwards.

Parents have to remember and realize that their child/children are at a much lower mental and emotional level than they are.  They haven't experienced the world as much as them.  The child MOST of the time can use more help with life than the parent.  There isn't a need to completely yell and lash out on a child.

Take a deep breath, relax yourself, and then ask out loud if you can(or whisper if needed), "what is the best thing for me to do and/or say in this situation?"  Then your spiritual self will provide you the answer.  AS LONG AS YOU STAY OPEN AND RELAXED!

I personally advise people who are considering having their own child/children to really take the time to study and comprehend what it means to have a child.  What the responsibility it is to have their own.  I also recommend that the potential parent/s make sure that they have dealt with as many of their own insecurities before having their own child/children.  This will make this whole process much smoother for everyone!  How many times have you seen parents lash out mindlessly at their child for doing something/saying something simple that the parent/s didn't like?  How many times have you seen a parent act childishly when dealing with their child.  Think about it.

Thank you very much for reading and I hope this helped you in any kind of way.

This is coming from your neighborhood Spiritual Teacher/Motivator Neo Askuwheteau.

Subscribe to my blog here if you want to get updates on whenever I post new articles.  I also have my own Youtube channel under the same name.  Neo Askuwheteau.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Formless Substance That Provides Abundance FOR US ALL(If you allow it to)

Our creator, "Source", "God", "The  Universe", "All That Is', truly cares for us all.  It is pure unconditional love and it is the ULTIMATE GIVER!  All it wants for us is love and give to us.  Anything that we want, it will give to us.  The only thing that exist in life is LOVE and Abundance.  Everything else is an illusion that we can learn from.

When  I say that the only thing that exists is abundance, I mean you can either have ABUNDANCE of LACK, or ABUNDANCE of WEALTH.  It all depends on what you're asking for.  In our Universe, there exists a formless energy field that everything that has been created and is to be created, comes from. Everything starts with this formless energy field.  Everything from what you currently have in your life and where you are in life now, all the way to the planets in our Universe.

This energy field can be accessed by ANYONE as long as you know it exists and how to access it.  Most people of this planet haven't been told about this field and this is why they don't feel they have full control over their lives.  Once told about this field and shown how to use it, you will begin to see how you have more control over your life than you think.  We access this formless energy field BY OUR THOUGHTS!

Ever heard of the phrases "Thoughts are things", and "Thoughts have power"?  Well this is TRUE!  Anything that you think about on a consistent basis, gets transferred to this formless energy field, then the creation of your thought starts to be created.  We have been gifted the special ability of pure "Concentrated Thought".

The people of Planet Earth have been programmed to believe that "Seeing is believing".  That you have to see something in order for it to become true.  That can be true in some cases, however, the majority of the time it's false.  Regarding changing your life the way YOU want to change it to and getting the things that YOU want and need, BELIEVING IS SEEING!  You have to believe something in order for it to come into existence FOR YOU in YOUR LIFE!  If you don't believe something, then it is less likely that it will come into your life.

It is our inner belief system that creates and controls our life.  Identify your inner beliefs that have been holding you back from doing what you want and need to do, change the ones you want to change, then your life automatically has to change by default.

Many people have been trained that their external life dictates how things are, have to be and will always be. However, they aren't taught that as long as a person holds a certain image and belief of something in their own mind, that gets placed into the formless energy field that creates EVERYTHING, then their image/belief becomes a reality FOR THEM.  As long as you remain COMPLETELY CLEAR in your mind on what results that you want in the end, and you maintain that image/belief in your mind REGARDLESS of how things appear, EVERYTHING MUST happen for you in a similar or exact form!

This is why FEAR is spread so much on this planet.  Fear is spread to control the people of this planet causing them to feel powerless while the ones spreading the fear becomes POWERFUL.  Think about it.

Most people aren't taught this because this provides people hope and empowerment.  Me personally, I teach empowerment(this is why I created this blog).  So I felt a serious need to write this article for people to read, think about, and hopefully implement it into their lives to see how it works.  With this information, and if you do it right, you can literally have ANYTHING that you want and need in your life.  Money, a new car, a new house, a new relationship, ANYTHING that you can perceive in your mind and HOLD it there regardless of how things appear in your life, UNTIL it shows up, YOU CAN HAVE!

My Video on how to program your subconscious mind:

This is your friendly neighborhood Neo Askuwheatu.

Thank you very much for reading!  Please share this article with whomever you feel can use this.  

You can also subscribe to this blog to stay updated with my information that I share.
                                                   Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Human Ego! What is it?

Many people constantly hear about the human ego.  "That's his/her ego", "he/she is egotistical", and so on and so on.  However, how many people actually know what the EGO is?  What is it's purpose for us?  Do we all have an ego?

In this article of mine, I will do my best to teach you about the human ego and it's purpose for us in this physical plane that we call "Life".  The ego is necessary for us to have here in life on Planet Earth.  It allows us to experience this physical reality that we are in(same function of the physical brain).  It provides us a human identity.  Allowing us to fit in with human life.

The human ego is your 1st and only human identity in your lifetime.  We all receive a new ego each lifetime we incarnate as a human. It records and remembers everything for you ever since you were born and up until now in your life.

First things first, you have to remember that you are a spiritual being.  A Soul.  Not a human.  A Soul that came from what many people call "God", "Source", "The Universe" or whatever you want to call the higher source that provides for everything and everyone.  Before coming into any lifetime as a human, every Soul is fully aware of itself and what it wants and needs to learn in a lifetime on Planet Earth.

Things like, if it wants to to be male or female in a lifetime(the soul is genderless), what type of life it wants to live on Earth, what type of family it wants to incarnate into, what other souls help it wants allowing it to learn different lessons during their own lifetime on Earth.  Earth is one big school for every Soul to learn whatever lesson/s it wants and needs to learn.  There are lessons upon lessons for Souls to learn here on Planet Earth.  So many that the majority of Souls allow themselves to learn their lessons one lifetime at a time.  Imagine you going to a 4 year University and trying to cram those 4 years into 1 year!

Before getting yourself into a human body, you are fully aware of everything you planned to do and learn this trip to Planet Earth.  When a Soul gets into a human body, most Souls completely FORGET EVERYTHING!  They forget who they truly are, their plan, EVERYTHING!  Now they have to stumble around in life, learn the lessons on their own.

As soon as that human baby brain covers up the Soul, the Earth/human illusion has started.  The recording of a Souls experience starts.  Now most begin to believe that you are a human.

The human ego is a self learning program that runs in one's mind.  Once it mentally records everything for you, if needed, it will protect and remind you of what happened anytime during your lifetime before you getting into any current situation(this is where your insecurities are stored).  This recording and reminder is fully automatic.  Not only does it remind you of what happened sometime in your lifetime, but it also makes you perceive, feel and respond certain ways automatically when you are in certain situations in life.

For example, when some people were younger, some have been told "you will never amount to anything".  So the ego, it being an open program that records and believes everything, unless the person changes that belief that was put into them, the ego will continue to carry that within itself.  Now that it has that belief recorded, it makes the persons perception, behavior, thoughts and even words very limited to what he/she can do in life.  The person might really want to do something more in their life than they are currently doing, however because of what their ego heard during their early childhood years, they don't and can't perceive doing more beyond their current state.

This isn't a bad thing for the ego.  It actually believes it's doing it job.  Which it is!  It heard that the person wouldn't amount to anything, and so it makes sure that it protects and maintains that belief.

The ego is also self serving!  It only wants to serve itself and doesn't care much about anyone else besides itself.  Whenever a person is in a group of other people, that one person who believes that they are their ego, they will only look out for themselves.  Looking to only "cover their own butt" so to speak.

It also needs to consistently feel validated.  Feel important.  Think of those times when someone you knew worked so hard to get recognized for doing and/or saying something.  Think about how they might have went out of their way, bent over backwards just so people can say "you did a great job", or "that was terrific".  This person is allowing their ego to control their own perception!

These are some of the phrases that a person who speaks and perceives life from their ego uses on a daily basis:

-"I am better than you"
-"No one is better than me"
-"I need love"(The Soul IS LOVE!  It comes from love)
-"I feel lonely"
-"No one cares about me"
-"I'm fearful for my life"(Souls are fearless)
-"I'll show him/her/them"(The ego seeks to prove itself to other people who it feels threatened by)
-"He/she/they thinks they're smarter than everyone"(Insecurity)
-"If it wasn't for 'such and such', I would have this by now"(they play the "Blame game" frequently)

Overall, the human ego is that human side of us that involves emotions and perceptions of being a human.  At times it can be childish.  This ego tricks most people into believing that they ARE IT!  Which is FALSE!  It is your false self!  The real you is spiritual!  I will go into that with my article about your spiritual self(the real you).

This information here is a opening about the ego.  I advise that you do further study on the ego, what it is and how to identify it so that you yourself can be aware of your own ego.

My name is Neo Askuwheteau.

Thank you for reading.  Please share this article with whomever you feel can use this information to uplift themselves.  Share with your Facebook, twitter and any other of your friends.