Many people have heard the phrase "Life is what you make it." However, how many people actually comprehend what this means? Very few people are taught and know what this means and are able to incorporate it into their own lives fully.
There are a few quotes that I like that are from Buddha: "The mind is everything. What you think you become." "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." These 2 quotes from Buddha simply emphasis that we create our life with our thoughts and beliefs. A belief is a thought that we keep thinking about over and over again until it becomes a belief. Once it becomes a belief, then it becomes automatic.
Once it becomes automatic, it then becomes unconscious. When it becomes unconscious, we're unaware of those beliefs. Those beliefs control our speech, actions and thoughts. We are unaware of them until we stop to take a look at them for ourselves. However, how many people of this planet actually makes the time to look at their own beliefs? Think about it.
Our world is connected to an energy field that permeates everything in our universe. We ourselves are connected to this energy field. This energy field is completly formless until we consciously or even unconsciously decide to use it to form anything to come into our life(read my formless substance article). With our inner beliefs always running for us during our daily life, they make us do, act and say things that's based on them. Our words, thoughts and actions have vibrations to them.
Each time we do and/or say something, those vibrations go up into the energy field. Once up in the energy field, then the field starts to form whatever it is that we consistently speak, think, and envision on a daily basis. Once the field has completed the form of whatever one has put into it, it then gets reflected back to us in various ways. By something people consistently do and/or say to/for us, the condition of the environments that we are put in, the condition of the various items we receive from different people and/or places. Various things get reflected back to us due to what we consistently think about, speak about, and our actions that we perform.
This works both when we think we are being positive or negative in any situation. Whatever we consistently radiate out, it reflects back to us.
In Summary
In conclusion, if you don't like the way that your life is, then examine as many of your own beliefs about it. Question the many things that you do and say on a daily basis. Ask why do you think the current way about the people, places and things in your life. If the response you get doesn't make sense to you and doesn't serve you a purpose, then let it go and figure out what you would like to believe in place of that belief. Try it out and see how your life reflects your new beliefs back to you.
This will help you feel empowered and in control of your life rather than feeling like most people who feel like everything just happens to them.
Thank you very much for reading! My name is Neo Askuwheteau(ASK-U-WHET-OO). To stay updated with my new articles you are welcome to subscribe to them.
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