Friday, October 17, 2014

True Communication: Most People Don't Say What They Mean

Most people don't realize this, but reading comic books along with viewing Sci Fi movies is a GREAT way to acquire various information about various things in life.

For me, part of my own personal study of humans, human relationships, communication and many other things is reading comic books.  Comic books contain so much knowledge that most people don't perceive UNLESS they are on a certain mental and spiritual level.

Example: I recently was reading a Green Lantern graphic novel and in it one of the councilmen said to Hal Jordan: "Humans never say what they really mean." Me being a student of human communication I knew EXACTLY what he meant by that!  That caused me to do further study.

Whenever humans speak to one another, they present various layers of their communication to the other person/people that they are speaking to.  On average, there are usually 2 or 3 layers that a person presents to a person when they speak.  

Layer 1: This is what they say.  The words they choose to describe what THEY want respresented of them.  This however, ISN'T necessarily what THEY MEAN!

Layer 2: This is the actions of the person.  In order to decode what people really mean by what they say/said to you, focusing on their actions will help out greatly.  Example: Someone says "I love you", however they verbally and/or physically abuse you consistently.  That's NOT true love.

Layer 3: This layer and beyond is felt/perceived on an energetic/mental level.  If a person isn't on a high energetic/spiritual/mental level, they won't be able to perceive this layer and beyond.  This is the layer that most people reveal what they really mean.  Their inner beliefs, experiences and more.  This layer is often missed by the average person who is untrainned.

This is all information that I have learned by once realizing that relationships, communication and among other things has to be studied and learned.  Most people allow so many distractions to keep them from realizing very important things such as these.  I have done my work that has allowed me to be on a higher mental and emotional level than most.  I recommend that people do the same for themselves.

I hope this helped open your mind.

Thank you very much for reading.  Please share this article with anyone whom you feel can use it.

My name is Neo Askuwheteau


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