Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mind Control: The Manipulators And Their Major Method Of Control

Mind Construct: is a belief and/or scenerio that is created by a person in their own mind, with the intention to send it off to another person that they want to control, having that other person believe it is true, and then the other person unconsciously accepts it.  Once the person accepts it, then they will become controllable as the one who created it intended.  Overall, mind constructs are ILLUSIONS created by an individual.

With my own study of humans, regarding the controlling ones, I have come to learn methods that they use to control other people.  One major and very powerful method that a controlling person uses too control another person is what I call "Mind Constructs".  As described in the definition above, mind constructs are illusions that if the intended person who its directed towards isn't on a high mental level to protect themselves, then they will easily and effortlessly fall into this trap.  Making it a success for the one who created it.

This occurs a lot with various people in various situations.  Parents controlling their children, brothers and sisters, friends, romantic relationships, coworkers, bosses at workplaces controlling their employees, THE GOVERNMENTS of countries and many others.  This is how people have been controlling others for many years.  This method is most effective when dealing with someone who hasn't learned what fear truly is, how it effects them, and also how to deal with fear rather than allowing it to take over themselves and their lives.  This is why it has been a major success for people who seek to control others.

I study the Green Lantern Corp of the Green Lantern comic books and movies.  This is part of my study of humans.  Along with other things I study.  In order to be a Green Lantern, one has to be fearless and have very strong will.  There is a ring that a green lantern wears on their finger that provides them great powers.   The ring has something that it is very unique about it.  It chooses the individual who it feels is worthy of the ring and it's powers.

Their major power that the ring provides is called "constructs".  As long as the ring is on their finger, any green lantern is able to create anything they can imagine within their own mind.  Then whatever that is, it gets projected from the ring outwardly to wherever it is pointed.  These constructs has an effect on the physical world.  They can create hammers to smash things, they can create jets from their own ring that allows them to be propelled in any direction and many more things.

I mention this because this is very similar to what many people do to control other people.  They use their own minds in similar ways.  They create their own mind constructs, and then sends them off to be placed into other people's minds who they want to control.  Once in a person's mind, the receiver won't be able to perceive anything else, or at least it will be very difficult for them to do so.  Making them feel like they have to do what the person who is doing the controlling, says.

                                                                  In Summary
It is very vital for each individual to put in the work to develop themselves to be on a higher mental, emotional and spiritual level.  Once one does this, they will be able to perceive many things that people are trying to do and/or say to them and others.  Both things that are beneficial and destructive.  They can perceive things beyond what's been shown to them by other people.  This is a great way to protect themselves from being controlled and wasting their own time and energy.

Think about it.

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                                                     Email: NeoOneness@Gmail.com
                                                     Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

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