Tuesday, October 28, 2014


True AUTHENTIC leaders have an INNATE desire to acquire knowledge!  Acquiring as much information as possible regarding ANYTHING that they need that involves them getting themselves and/or their team to victory!  Acquiring knowledge is VERY VITAL involving being a leader of any sort.  A God, Goddess, King, Queen or whatever.  It is knowledge that allows one something to draw a strategic plan to victory from.

The more knowledge of anything that a person acquires, the wider their perception will be regarding any topic.  This is why it is very important to focus on developing one's own mind rather than being obsessed with all of the mundane things that the average person focuses on daily.  TV is one major distraction that keeps people's minds limited from perceiving things on higher levels.

Gods, Goddesses, Kings and Queens ARE GENIUSES!  If you don't feel that you are a GENIUS, and if you can't and don't come up with strategic plans effectively and efficiently ON YOUR OWN, THEN YOU'RE NOT ANY OF THESE HIGHER TITLES!

Most People aren't leaders.

Most men and women of planet earth AREN'T Kings, Queens, Gods, Goddesses or even leaders because the majority of them focus their minds on complaining and giving their minds and power over to anything and/or anyone who is OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES!  True AUTHENTIC Kings, Queens, Gods, Goddesses, Leaders focus on developing their own mind and power that they currently have!  Once they recognize their own power.

The majority of people of planet earth STILL FAIL to recognize their own power till this day!  You have to have the mindset of these higher positions BEFORE you can be considered an AUTHENTIC one of these.  If not, then you're just a wannabe lol.

I'm just doing what I always do.  Tell people how things REALLY ARE!  If you can't deal with the information that I share with people then GET THE HELL ON THEN!

Think about it.

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