Thursday, October 23, 2014


This is another piece of information that I have learned from my study and observation of humans.  This is new information that helped me realize even more why people do what they do and say what they say.

Whenever you know your higher purpose in life and you actually want to pursue it, ESPECIALLY if you have already started it, there are literally beings in other dimensions who can project themselves into physical human bodies.  With them being able to do this effortlessly, they can actually come to you and do MANY things to DISTRACT YOU!  For many men who are on their spiritual path, speaking and sharing higher knowledge to others, many BEAUTIFUL women who aren't on their path may come to you to say and do things to you that will INFLATE your ego and take you away from your path.

Same with women and men.  This is why it is VERY important to be careful with whom you are dealing  with BEFORE you accept people into your life!  This is why I been encouraging people to focus on developing their own mind, body and spirit to be able to perceive this kind of stuff.  Most people of this planet are COMPLETELY oblivious to what's going on other dimensions from which THEY are being controlled by.   The larger of a spiritual purpose one has, a lot of the time the more the other beings will throw more distractions their way to keep them from enlightening other people.

HEIGHTENED intuition is SOOOO AMAZING lol!  I love it!

Think about it.

                                                                    Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

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