Friday, October 31, 2014

Maturity Is Necessary For Evolvement

Every day of a person's life should be focused in some shape or form on maturing themselves to higher and higher levels. For each time you reach a higher maturity level, the closer you get to your spiritual self(the real you, non physical part of you) and the more higher spiritual knowledge you will be able to perceive.  Then you will be able to recognize your true life's purpose for being born.

However, most humans are too distracted with their daily lives that they fail to focus on maturing themselves. This is why most of them have so many problems in their own lives

Think about it.

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                             Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau                  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


True AUTHENTIC leaders have an INNATE desire to acquire knowledge!  Acquiring as much information as possible regarding ANYTHING that they need that involves them getting themselves and/or their team to victory!  Acquiring knowledge is VERY VITAL involving being a leader of any sort.  A God, Goddess, King, Queen or whatever.  It is knowledge that allows one something to draw a strategic plan to victory from.

The more knowledge of anything that a person acquires, the wider their perception will be regarding any topic.  This is why it is very important to focus on developing one's own mind rather than being obsessed with all of the mundane things that the average person focuses on daily.  TV is one major distraction that keeps people's minds limited from perceiving things on higher levels.

Gods, Goddesses, Kings and Queens ARE GENIUSES!  If you don't feel that you are a GENIUS, and if you can't and don't come up with strategic plans effectively and efficiently ON YOUR OWN, THEN YOU'RE NOT ANY OF THESE HIGHER TITLES!

Most People aren't leaders.

Most men and women of planet earth AREN'T Kings, Queens, Gods, Goddesses or even leaders because the majority of them focus their minds on complaining and giving their minds and power over to anything and/or anyone who is OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES!  True AUTHENTIC Kings, Queens, Gods, Goddesses, Leaders focus on developing their own mind and power that they currently have!  Once they recognize their own power.

The majority of people of planet earth STILL FAIL to recognize their own power till this day!  You have to have the mindset of these higher positions BEFORE you can be considered an AUTHENTIC one of these.  If not, then you're just a wannabe lol.

I'm just doing what I always do.  Tell people how things REALLY ARE!  If you can't deal with the information that I share with people then GET THE HELL ON THEN!

Think about it.

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                              Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Note:  All of my information that I include in my blogs come from my own study and observation of humans, human relationships and communication.

Mental discipline, mental flexibility, and mental openness.  All major abilities needed in order to have any type of successful relationship.  If a person fails to have one or more of these, then they have a less likely chance to have a highly successful relationship with very little or no errors that pop up within the relationship.

Mental discipline:  Being fully capable to identify a goal, come up with a strategic plan on how to accomplish the goal, and then able to mentally zone in on the accomplishment of the goal with unwavering faith that it can and will be accomplished.

Mental flexibility: Being mentally flexible.  Able to move from one idea, plan, or anything else to the next with ease and grace.  If it is ever necessary to do so.  Some times circumstances change.

Mental openness(open minded): Being fully open to new ideas, plans, and anything else new.  Being fully capable of listening in on what other people have to say BEFORE putting your own say in the conversation.

These are all abilities that most people fail to learn and develop within themselves.  This is one major reason why there are so many failed and failing relationships in this world.

Think about it.

                                                    Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau


The definition of having TRUE WISDOM in my opinion is: Being able to perceive truth easily, able to perceive the right thing to do in ANY CIRCUMSTANCE and being fully capable of developing a strategic plan to accomplish ones goal/s.  Being able to see and do ABOVE and BEYOND all normal restricted circumstances that most people don't go beyond.

This is A KING/QUEEN!  A GOD/GODDESS!  If this description doesn't sound like your own character, THEN YOU'RE NOT A KING OR QUEEN YET!

With my study of superheroes and great leaders, this is what THEY ALL display.  This is within their own consciousness.  This is what humans need to learn and incorporate into their own lives.

Think about it.


                                             Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Saturday, October 25, 2014


NOTE: This information here is the result of me studying superheroes and how they respond to the world.

Being a superhero, calls for superior courage.  Courage to go beyond one's comfort zone.  To do things that one has never done before.  To transcend one's fear.

If you look at superheroes, they do these things on very high levels.  Beyond most people's expectations and imagination.  Superman is a great example of this.  Fighting extraterrestrials from other planets whom he never knew existed, saving falling airplanes that are falling from the sky and many other brave acts.  

Being courageous involves TAKING RISKS!  If you are too scared to take risks in your life, chances are you won't be able to do the many things that you want and need to do.  Allowing you to have, receive and experience whatever it is that you want and need.

This is what I have learned from studying Superman, Captain America, Hal Jordan(Green Lantern) and even Lex Luthor himself!  It might sound crazy to some, but I actually study superheroes for various reasons.  In particular to help develop my own mind and overall character.

Think about it.
                                 Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Friday, October 24, 2014


NOTE: My information for all of my blogs comes from my own study and observation of human relationships and communication.

Part of the MAJOR reason why most people fail to have ANY kind of successful relationship is because they have held onto their ego based mindset rather than their spiritually based mindset.  Also, they choose to associate themselves with others who are the same.  The ego is necessary during our formative years, however, it is everyone's responsibility to transcend their own ego allowing them to mature into their spiritual mindset.

Ego Based: Focused only on this physical material world(obsessed with acquiring money, vehicles, homes, clothing and more), self serving, self righteous(always wants to be right and rarely takes the time to listen to others).  Reacts rather than being receptive.

Spiritually Based: Open minded, listens 1st before responding, caring, courageous, secure with oneself, loves oneself along with others.  Empathic and much more higher characteristics.

This is something that everyone must come to learn and incorporate in their own lives.  Once one learns the difference between the 2, learns to recognize and develop their spiritually based mindset, THEN their life will be so much more easier and will flow like a river down stream.  Then they will be better able to perceive the people who are correct for them to be in relationships with.

Think about it.

If you would like to stay updated with this blog, subscribe by email by entering your email address in the subscribe box to the right of this blog page.

                                                    Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Most parents who have children, their love is physical human based rather than spiritually based love.  Spiritually based love(Agape) is unconditional love.  Physical human love is that rocky up and down love that is expressed whenever the parent feels good at the time regarding the situation.  This love isn't nearly as strong as spiritually based love.

Most current parents aren't aware of spiritually based love and can't express it to their children. This is due to they THEMSELVES weren't taught this, haven't experienced it and never matured enough during their life to experience it and develop it to express it to others.  

This is why I always encourage people to develop themselves as much as possible BEFORE having children.  Their future children will benefit greatly!

Think about it.

If you would like to stay updated with this blog, subscribe by email by entering your email address in the subscribe box to the right of this blog page.

Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau
Youtube Channel: Neo Askuwheteau


This is another piece of information that I have learned from my study and observation of humans.  This is new information that helped me realize even more why people do what they do and say what they say.

Whenever you know your higher purpose in life and you actually want to pursue it, ESPECIALLY if you have already started it, there are literally beings in other dimensions who can project themselves into physical human bodies.  With them being able to do this effortlessly, they can actually come to you and do MANY things to DISTRACT YOU!  For many men who are on their spiritual path, speaking and sharing higher knowledge to others, many BEAUTIFUL women who aren't on their path may come to you to say and do things to you that will INFLATE your ego and take you away from your path.

Same with women and men.  This is why it is VERY important to be careful with whom you are dealing  with BEFORE you accept people into your life!  This is why I been encouraging people to focus on developing their own mind, body and spirit to be able to perceive this kind of stuff.  Most people of this planet are COMPLETELY oblivious to what's going on other dimensions from which THEY are being controlled by.   The larger of a spiritual purpose one has, a lot of the time the more the other beings will throw more distractions their way to keep them from enlightening other people.

HEIGHTENED intuition is SOOOO AMAZING lol!  I love it!

Think about it.

                                                                    Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mind Control: The Manipulators And Their Major Method Of Control

Mind Construct: is a belief and/or scenerio that is created by a person in their own mind, with the intention to send it off to another person that they want to control, having that other person believe it is true, and then the other person unconsciously accepts it.  Once the person accepts it, then they will become controllable as the one who created it intended.  Overall, mind constructs are ILLUSIONS created by an individual.

With my own study of humans, regarding the controlling ones, I have come to learn methods that they use to control other people.  One major and very powerful method that a controlling person uses too control another person is what I call "Mind Constructs".  As described in the definition above, mind constructs are illusions that if the intended person who its directed towards isn't on a high mental level to protect themselves, then they will easily and effortlessly fall into this trap.  Making it a success for the one who created it.

This occurs a lot with various people in various situations.  Parents controlling their children, brothers and sisters, friends, romantic relationships, coworkers, bosses at workplaces controlling their employees, THE GOVERNMENTS of countries and many others.  This is how people have been controlling others for many years.  This method is most effective when dealing with someone who hasn't learned what fear truly is, how it effects them, and also how to deal with fear rather than allowing it to take over themselves and their lives.  This is why it has been a major success for people who seek to control others.

I study the Green Lantern Corp of the Green Lantern comic books and movies.  This is part of my study of humans.  Along with other things I study.  In order to be a Green Lantern, one has to be fearless and have very strong will.  There is a ring that a green lantern wears on their finger that provides them great powers.   The ring has something that it is very unique about it.  It chooses the individual who it feels is worthy of the ring and it's powers.

Their major power that the ring provides is called "constructs".  As long as the ring is on their finger, any green lantern is able to create anything they can imagine within their own mind.  Then whatever that is, it gets projected from the ring outwardly to wherever it is pointed.  These constructs has an effect on the physical world.  They can create hammers to smash things, they can create jets from their own ring that allows them to be propelled in any direction and many more things.

I mention this because this is very similar to what many people do to control other people.  They use their own minds in similar ways.  They create their own mind constructs, and then sends them off to be placed into other people's minds who they want to control.  Once in a person's mind, the receiver won't be able to perceive anything else, or at least it will be very difficult for them to do so.  Making them feel like they have to do what the person who is doing the controlling, says.

                                                                  In Summary
It is very vital for each individual to put in the work to develop themselves to be on a higher mental, emotional and spiritual level.  Once one does this, they will be able to perceive many things that people are trying to do and/or say to them and others.  Both things that are beneficial and destructive.  They can perceive things beyond what's been shown to them by other people.  This is a great way to protect themselves from being controlled and wasting their own time and energy.

Think about it.

You are more than welcome to share this blog post with whomever you feel can use it.

                                                     Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Human Brain Is One Huge Obstacle: Obstacles Within It

While doing my study today, I was studying the movie "Lucy".  I use movies as study material for me as I study human relationships, communication, emotions and among other things.  

During the scene where she stabbed the hands of the Chinese guy,  Lucy said something that caught my attention.  She was talking about the human brain and overall human existance.  She said " that I have access to the furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize that what makes us "us" — it's primitive. They're all obstacles. Does that make any sense?

Like this pain you're experiencing. It's blocking you from understanding.  All you know now is pain. That's all you know, pain."

So with my comprehension of this information, and my own study of the human brain and mind, she explains that the human brain is one major obstacle.  With obstacles that's within the obstacle.  Essentially an obstacle coarse that most humans fail to realize, learn and actually know how to maneuver around it.

In the movie, Lucy was able to perceive all of her own obstacles in her own mind/brain, and then transcend them!  This is what made her become an evolved being!  This is one major thing that most humans fail to do.

The human body is a very primitive body from the time a person is born.  It is that person's own responsibility to focus on evolving their overall body.  Their brain, mind and body.  If they don't, they will remain being like the average human who is either remaining the same and never reaching higher levels of being, or devolving and going backwards towards animal like state of being.

Evolving like learning what the emotion of fear is and what it does to a person and a person's life.  With my study of humans, I have come to learn that the majority of them fail to recognize what fear is, what it does to them, and how to transcend it.  Transcending it and avoiding it to control them.  Fear is one of the major obstacles for humans.

Most humans are too caught up in the obstacles of their brain, too caught up with the distractions like watching TV, excessively playing video games, being on their smartphone for extended amounts of time, Facebook, acquiring unnecessary material objects and so much more.

Very few humans are focused on overall evolving.  They rather be considered "normal" than to be considered a highly evolved being like Lucy.  Most humans want to fit in with the crowd.  This is another obstacle!

Think about it.

                     Facebook: Neo Askuwheteau

Friday, October 17, 2014

True Communication: Most People Don't Say What They Mean

Most people don't realize this, but reading comic books along with viewing Sci Fi movies is a GREAT way to acquire various information about various things in life.

For me, part of my own personal study of humans, human relationships, communication and many other things is reading comic books.  Comic books contain so much knowledge that most people don't perceive UNLESS they are on a certain mental and spiritual level.

Example: I recently was reading a Green Lantern graphic novel and in it one of the councilmen said to Hal Jordan: "Humans never say what they really mean." Me being a student of human communication I knew EXACTLY what he meant by that!  That caused me to do further study.

Whenever humans speak to one another, they present various layers of their communication to the other person/people that they are speaking to.  On average, there are usually 2 or 3 layers that a person presents to a person when they speak.  

Layer 1: This is what they say.  The words they choose to describe what THEY want respresented of them.  This however, ISN'T necessarily what THEY MEAN!

Layer 2: This is the actions of the person.  In order to decode what people really mean by what they say/said to you, focusing on their actions will help out greatly.  Example: Someone says "I love you", however they verbally and/or physically abuse you consistently.  That's NOT true love.

Layer 3: This layer and beyond is felt/perceived on an energetic/mental level.  If a person isn't on a high energetic/spiritual/mental level, they won't be able to perceive this layer and beyond.  This is the layer that most people reveal what they really mean.  Their inner beliefs, experiences and more.  This layer is often missed by the average person who is untrainned.

This is all information that I have learned by once realizing that relationships, communication and among other things has to be studied and learned.  Most people allow so many distractions to keep them from realizing very important things such as these.  I have done my work that has allowed me to be on a higher mental and emotional level than most.  I recommend that people do the same for themselves.

I hope this helped open your mind.

Thank you very much for reading.  Please share this article with anyone whom you feel can use it.

My name is Neo Askuwheteau


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DNA Cloning: Going To The Doctor's

During my early years of going to the doctor's office, I never enjoyed getting that needle put into my arm.  Not many people do if you think about it.  For me, that was the worst part of going to the doctor's office.  I just put up with it because that was part of the process to get checked up.  It's their way of getting blood samples.  If you think about it, blood samples for what?  They SAY it's to check on us.

When I used to go to the doctor's office, I would always wonder what do they REALLY do with our blood(DNA)?  Who's to say that they really do what they SAY that they do with our blood?  Think about it.  Now that I have awakened to a lot in my life about this world and that I have been studying various things, I have a major possibility of what they do with our DNA.

If you are a person like me who watches a lot of Sci Fi movies, you have seen at least 1 or more movies that talk about human cloning.  From my study of science and various other things, I have come to realize that these movies that are created speak truth about various things that's in them.  I like the way spiritual lecturer Bobby Hemmitt puts it "Science Fiction is Science fact."  I have watched and listened to various of his lectures and in some of them he speaks about how human cloning is actually going on now and has been for many years.

So last night while watching a youtube video where a woman mentioned cloning, I decided to ask the spirit to provide me more information about this topic.  I wanted to fully comprehend this topic for myself rather than just hear it from other people and read about it.

The 1st piece of information I got last night about cloning was about my family members.  I became aware that some people's family members are clones and the other members aren't aware of it at all.  They suspect that everything is normal.  Well for me, I asked the spirit about which one of my family members are clones.  It told me that one of my older sisters were!  I thought about how she is in the hospital frequently and that would be THE time for them to clone her.

This afternoon while walking downtown, I got the thought that when going to the doctor's, the DNA samples that they take, could possibly be shipped off to another site for cloning and/or any other science experiment!  Just think about it.  How do you personally know that whenever they take your DNA samples, where it actually goes when they take it from you?  Most people don't even know where they store the DNA once it's taken.

Something to think about.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Sneezing Vs Coughing(The difference)

There is a difference between sneezing and coughing.

Sneezing:  Occur in short quick burts.  Much quicker and lighter feeling than a cough.  Sneezing occurs when someone is allergic to something and also a way for the body to detox itself.

Coughing: Usually longer and deeper.  You can feel it in your lungs when you cough and also hear it when someone else coughs.  It a deeper sound than a sneeze.  Coughing is usually a result of something internal that needs to be resolved asap.  Like something wrong with the lungs or something deep within a person's organs.

This is information I got from the spirit right after I just sneezed a few moments ago.  Then I said it out loud to my nephew and told him.  At that moment I knew it was the spirit talking through me lol. 

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Drinking Lemon Water(cleanses our lips)

It's early morning and I just got done teaching my nephew about the importance of drinking lemon water from REAL LEMONS.  NOT the lemon juice from the store.  REAL lemons that are from the farmer's market, cut and squeezed into your DISTILLED water is the best.   Using distilled water with FRESHLY squeezed lemons, the water becomes NATURALLY alkaline.

AVOID drinking tap water as much as possible(that's poisen).

Drinking Lemon water from FRESHLY SQUEEZED lemons cleanses your body organically, alkalizes your blood and many other things.  One new thing I learn this morning from the spirit is that it also cleanses our LIPS!  The spirit just told me that our lips carry bacteria on them and eating a REAL LEMON AT LEAST once a day(best in the morning), cleanses the bacteria off of your lips.  

For me, I feel the juice cleansing my lips lol.  It's a slight tingle feel while and after I'm eating them.

Try it out.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Physical Beauty Is Only An ILLUSION

Neo's Facebook:

The people who are considered "Model material", NOT all of them are "Relationship material". A person's EXTERNAL beauty is just an ILLUSION! If you seek to date someone just because of their beauty, chances are that you are setting yourself up for failure. However, once you develop your higher mind abilities, you will be able to see/sense beyond a person's physical appearance allowing you to see who people truly are and what they represent.

Sometimes, the most beautiful person in the room has THE MOST internal issues that needs to be resolved.

This is something that most humans of this planet fail to realize and learn. This is why there are so many broken relationships instead of long lasting ones. Most people seek out individuals because of their physical appearance and all of their material LIABILITIES that they have acquired.

Think about it.

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