Wednesday, December 31, 2014


It's all over the internet and if you talk to many people about Distilled water, they will say "Oh it's not good to drink it for very long."  Or something to that nature.  However, I have done my own study of Distilled water and have been drinking it for at least 2 years or so.  And GUESS WHAT?  Distilled water is DAT S**T that you need to be drinking instead of ANY KIND of water!

    It's the best AND CHEAPEST detox cleanser(usually between $.88-1)!  It even decalcifies the pineal gland(if on a water fast WITHOUT eating at all UNLESS natural foods!  I know for a fact that it does that because I went on a 2 week distilled water fast and WOW my spiritual experiences increased!  My pineal gland decalcified.

    There is MISinformation about distilled water everywhere on purpose to keep people drinking the WRONG water if they do decide to drink water at all.  Also there are major strategies to keep people dehydrated.  Dehydration calcifies the pineal gland and makes the body sick(especially if a person is predominately eating junk food).

Distilled water is a multi-purpose water.  There are various things that this water can be used for.  The main things I use it for besides drinking are:

-Mouth wash: Distilled water pulls and removes inorganic matter.  Plaque is inorganic matter.

-Wash hands: I literally use it to wash my hands in replace of the toxic soaps that's sold in the store.

-Washing dishes: Sometimes in moments where I want a quick rinse of a dish or if the dish was used but not much food was on it, then I rinse it with distilled water and then wipe it with either a towel or paper towel.

-Washing my hair and face: If I feel my hair and face needs to be washed and if I don't feel like getting into the shower to wash them, I then use distilled water to rinse my hair and wipe down my face.  The distilled water will remove all of the dirt and other inorganic matter.  Also hydrate my hair and face.

There are many more things that distilled water can be used for.

You can find Distilled water at your local grocery store and anywhere where water is sold.  Not all places that sell water has distilled water.  However many do.

    You have to do your own study and drink distilled water for yourself to see how it feels while being in your OWN body.  I did it and it makes me feel GOOD!

Think about it.

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