One major thing I have noticed about looking at various women who many say are "beautiful", is that they really AREN'T as beautiful as many people say that they are. If you take a really good look at many women up close and focus enough, you will begin to see that they don't have many if any facial features that separate them from other women. That FAKE UP(yes I said FAKE UP) doesn't mean that a woman is beautiful. For me, when I see a woman who wears fake up on her face, before I say how beautiful she is, IF possible I wait until I can see her without fake up on her face. Then I can see the authentic her.
I call it "Fake Up" because it creates a false image over a woman's natural beauty. It's also artificial substances on her face.
At the same time you have to ask the question "what indicates a woman as 'beautiful'?"
Think about it.
This is the blog of Relationship Lecturer, Motivational speaker, Book Author and Blogger Neo Askuwheteau. Here, Neo provides various insights from his years of studying, analyzing and thinking deeply on various things in life. His most popular topic is Metaphysics (spirituality), however he does share various other insights through this blog. He also has a Relationship blog at:
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Besides me doing reading, watching YouTube and actually speaking with various people as part of my study of various topics, I get a lot of information from meditation. Not always the tradition meditation. Sometimes I just sit still standing in front of my window downstairs at my home lol.
You have to develop your intuition to be able to perceive the messages from spirit. The information comes in various ways for most people. It can come as an image in your inner vision, a stomach feeling, a thought, and other ways. You have to do your own study of intuition.
Think about it.
You have to develop your intuition to be able to perceive the messages from spirit. The information comes in various ways for most people. It can come as an image in your inner vision, a stomach feeling, a thought, and other ways. You have to do your own study of intuition.
Think about it.
It's all over the internet and if you talk to many people about Distilled water, they will say "Oh it's not good to drink it for very long." Or something to that nature. However, I have done my own study of Distilled water and have been drinking it for at least 2 years or so. And GUESS WHAT? Distilled water is DAT S**T that you need to be drinking instead of ANY KIND of water!
It's the best AND CHEAPEST detox cleanser(usually between $.88-1)! It even decalcifies the pineal gland(if on a water fast WITHOUT eating at all UNLESS natural foods! I know for a fact that it does that because I went on a 2 week distilled water fast and WOW my spiritual experiences increased! My pineal gland decalcified.
There is MISinformation about distilled water everywhere on purpose to keep people drinking the WRONG water if they do decide to drink water at all. Also there are major strategies to keep people dehydrated. Dehydration calcifies the pineal gland and makes the body sick(especially if a person is predominately eating junk food).
Distilled water is a multi-purpose water. There are various things that this water can be used for. The main things I use it for besides drinking are:
-Mouth wash: Distilled water pulls and removes inorganic matter. Plaque is inorganic matter.
-Wash hands: I literally use it to wash my hands in replace of the toxic soaps that's sold in the store.
-Washing dishes: Sometimes in moments where I want a quick rinse of a dish or if the dish was used but not much food was on it, then I rinse it with distilled water and then wipe it with either a towel or paper towel.
-Washing my hair and face: If I feel my hair and face needs to be washed and if I don't feel like getting into the shower to wash them, I then use distilled water to rinse my hair and wipe down my face. The distilled water will remove all of the dirt and other inorganic matter. Also hydrate my hair and face.
There are many more things that distilled water can be used for.
You can find Distilled water at your local grocery store and anywhere where water is sold. Not all places that sell water has distilled water. However many do.
You have to do your own study and drink distilled water for yourself to see how it feels while being in your OWN body. I did it and it makes me feel GOOD!
Think about it.
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Thank you for reading.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Here is something to think about. One of the many reasons why I study a lot and learn things on my own is because(I know this through meditation and intuition) pretty soon many things on this planet is going to be so chaotic that people won't be able to think clearly or study AT ALL! People's vehicles that are REGISTERED with the GOVERNMENT(most people who own a vehicle) will be taken away from them, their electricity will be cut off(think about how much you depend on this), the water and food will be poisoned EVEN more, more NON-HUMANS who look like humans but are something TOTALLY DIFFERENT will be more prevalent than now probably causing MORE CHAOS amongst humanity and so much more!
This is why I encourage people to if not cancel ALL of their TV connections, then AT LEAST decrease their TV viewing time, detox their body, drink lots of PURE WATER(do the study of this), view less violent and stupid Tv shows, movies and youtube videos, and do more studying! The time to study is NOW! Study your body, spirituality, and anything else that is benefitial that will help you EVOLVE rather than DEVOLVE now.
When the time comes when there's more chaos on this planet, those who have been obsessed/distracted with watching TV, buying vehicles and material LIABILITIES(iPhones, iPads, TV'S, etc) and not studying, they will be completely lost in the chaos not knowing where to go for salvation. Those of us who have been doing the study BEFORE the chaos, who have developed their intuition will be the ones who can easily find their way throughout the chaos.
Something to think about.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
With my own awakening and study of various things of this realm that most people call "life", I have come to realize that the more evolved a person's mind and brain is, the more advanced things they can perceive and do. With my own development I see this is very true. No wonder why most people can't perceive their other senses beyond their physical 5 that they were "programmed" to believe that only 5 exists.
This realm has been switched and manipulated to make it EXTREMELY difficult for people to stop, study and learn how this whole system of things works. The system that we are currently in is a system of control as Neo from the matrix said. He was speaking truth. This system has created and continues to create things that keeps people mentally distracted from reaching higher consciousness levels that we all have born rights to reach.
This is why they tell you to go to work to make money and get you to work long and ridiculous hours, this is why they give you bills, smartdumb phones(yes I typed that correctly and intentionally) and so many more mental distractions. To keep you from being able to figure things out for yourself and to reach higher consciousness levels beyond the normal current levels of consciousness.
It is extremely important to 1st recognize the many distractions that you have involved yourself in whether it was consciously or unconsciously, then figure out if and how it has a greater purpose in your life that will help you evolve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The majority of things that most people get involved in on a daily basis doesn't have anything to do with helping them evolve at all. This is why sickness, violence, crime, various corruption and so much more lower consciouness things exist till this day. This is all complete mind control.
Find out what is currently going on in your life that is causing you to be distracted from evolving. Figure out what is best for you to detach from and let go of. Chances are, once you do this, you will be able to see various things in life on a much wider scale than most people of this planet.
Sad. Think about it.
Note: if you would like to stay updated with my blog posts you can do so by subscribing by email on my site. Go to the full webpage rather than the mobile site to do so. Find the subscribe box and then enter your email address. You will then get an email with my latest blog posts.
This realm has been switched and manipulated to make it EXTREMELY difficult for people to stop, study and learn how this whole system of things works. The system that we are currently in is a system of control as Neo from the matrix said. He was speaking truth. This system has created and continues to create things that keeps people mentally distracted from reaching higher consciousness levels that we all have born rights to reach.
This is why they tell you to go to work to make money and get you to work long and ridiculous hours, this is why they give you bills, smartdumb phones(yes I typed that correctly and intentionally) and so many more mental distractions. To keep you from being able to figure things out for yourself and to reach higher consciousness levels beyond the normal current levels of consciousness.
It is extremely important to 1st recognize the many distractions that you have involved yourself in whether it was consciously or unconsciously, then figure out if and how it has a greater purpose in your life that will help you evolve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The majority of things that most people get involved in on a daily basis doesn't have anything to do with helping them evolve at all. This is why sickness, violence, crime, various corruption and so much more lower consciouness things exist till this day. This is all complete mind control.
Find out what is currently going on in your life that is causing you to be distracted from evolving. Figure out what is best for you to detach from and let go of. Chances are, once you do this, you will be able to see various things in life on a much wider scale than most people of this planet.
Sad. Think about it.
Note: if you would like to stay updated with my blog posts you can do so by subscribing by email on my site. Go to the full webpage rather than the mobile site to do so. Find the subscribe box and then enter your email address. You will then get an email with my latest blog posts.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Life here in America for it's people would be SO MUCH more easier if they would take the time to stop and think about the mind control that most of them are currently under. From the time most people who were born here in America they have been put under it's mind control. The watching of TV is one of their primary tools to control people's minds. This mind program called "luxury" is also another MAJOR part of their mind control.
So many people are worried about having that nice new car, that new Smart/DUMB phone, that new ipad, that new house and so many other "material liabilities". The obsession to get and have these things is one major distraction that is part of the mind control that forces people OUT of their nature.
Once people wake up to this and start to DETACH from their current mind programming, they will be amazed at how much more easier and effortless life truly is and how it is SUPPOSED to be for us. I have been detaching from this mind control(whatever I become conscious of) for the past 2 years or so and I feel so much more lighter in various ways and can think for myself a lot more clearly now. I started with canceling ALL of my TV connections and kept myself from having ANY KIND of TV connection in my home.
I recommend that everyone take the time to question everything that they were taught to think, do and have in their life. Then sit and think about is it really necessary for you to have these thing in your life or is it just a mind program that was accepted by you unconsciously.
Everything that we all do automatically WITHOUT thinking about it, has more than likely been programmed into us sometime within our lifetime. We unconsciously accepted it.
Time to wake up people. Time to return back to what I call "Factory settings"(nature)
Think about it.
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Saturday, December 20, 2014
For the average MUDANE person who is OBSESSED with this physical reality, who think that this is it and nothing else exists, who isn't aware of their spiritual self, there is one MAJOR thing you can do that will F**K UP their day and their life!
Take their TV(cut off ALL of their TV connections too!) and their VEHICLE away from them! Watch how them mutha F'S respond. Like "ALL IS LOST" for them lol!
Once you realize that you are a spiritual being and that this physical realm is ONLY 1 place that you made your stop at, you will realize A LOT that you have attached yourself to that seriously isn't a necessity.
Think about it.
Friday, December 19, 2014
I personally encourage everyone to focus more on developing what I call their "inner senses"(A.K.A Psychic abilities) along with their physical senses(taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell). It truly helps out a lot throughout our life if we have all of these on a very heightened level. Which in actuality, when people say they have these things on a "heightened level", they really mean that they have their senses on what I call "factory settings". Our modern societies don't encourage us to have our senses on our natural settings that we all were born with.
I am truly grateful for having my own home to live in alone allowing me to intentionally have my home in complete silence most of the time. This allows me to develop my intuition and perceive it's messages more clearly and precise beyond most individuals.
Just last night while being at my mother's home, I got a confirmation on how sensitive my hearing is now. We all were in a front room of the house when I heard a phone ring(her home is a large home 2 family home). I said "Ma, your phone is ringing." So she went to the back to go check to see if it was. She grabbed the phone, brought it to the front and said "that wasn't my phone. That was the lady's phone downstairs." Turns out, the people's phone downstairs was ringing and the phone was in their back room. Me, I heard the phone ringing so loud as if it was my mother's phone ringing in a room not so far from us.
The reason why most people don't have sensitive hearing is due to the constant barrage of noise that exist in their everyday life. Their TV the moment they wake up in the AM, their vehicle radio, the noise at their job, traffic, the club/bar(for those who go to these places) along with so much more. All of these things damage the physical ear dampening the person's hearing.
What I have learned from this experience is that the more we all allow ourselves to be in complete silence, the more we allow many if not all of our senses to increase as far as their effectiveness. Especially our "inner senses" a.k.a "psychic abilities."
Think about it.
These companies that sell their products on Black Friday literally make their products specifically for Black Friday. They make them extremely cheap so that they can make a great profit for them. That's why what you brought on Black Friday last year no longer works as when you brought it or at all lol.
I say this because my mother brought a new TV last year on Black Friday and it's showing it's "true colors" now lol! So last night she called customer care and they sent out the cable guy. Guess what? He confirmed my intuition. I intuitively knew that the TV was a dud when I 1st saw it in the house turned on.
Boy oh boy it's so sad to see people still get SUCKED IN by the corporate mind control that goes on all of the time.
Think about it.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
After spending time with my family today I have realized some MAJOR things about myself. I LITERALLY have 10 FEMALES in my life currently. They all include my sisters, nieces and my mother(this is excluding aunts and cousins). I was literally raised by FEMALES lol. I have been and still am surrounded by THE ALL POWERFUL FEMININE ENERGY. Now I truly feel that I have an advancement over the average male when it comes to dealing with women. I am highly intuined with them.
The most important thing I realized is this: just because a male has been raised by females, DOESN'T MEAN THAT HE HAS TO ACT LIKE THEM, look like them, and even date men like them.
A few months ago my lil cousin realized me being raised by women and said "yo, damn, I'm surprised after all of that, that you not sweet(homosexual) lol."
I was like "ohhhh yea you right! I never thought about it that way."
Think about it.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Focused and determined. Thats the way to be whenever a person wants to achieve any kind of success in life. NO your mommy and daddy can't do S**T for you all of the time. There will be so many times when you are alone and have to take care of business and get things done BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
I just felt like some people needed to hear this lol. I have learned my lessons about getting things done on my own rather than to be a sucker like most people who sit and wait for other people to help them be successful.
Think about it.
Respect in my opinion is something that is required in ALL relationships IF they are to be successful. If 1 or more individuals don't feel that they are being respected at all, it is very vital that they sit down and discuss their concerns amongst each other. If they fail to do this and/or if things don't change for the betterment of the relationship, then it's best to consider resigning from the relationship.
Think about it.
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Sunday, December 7, 2014
Yo Will Smith was so CORRECT when he said "Parents don't understand" lol! I feel this is true because MOST people have their own children WAY BEFORE they MATURE THEMSELVES! Once they have children, it's children guiding children.
It's like children on the playground trying to teach other children on how to be an ADULT WHILE they themselves are still A CHILD lol! Everyone who has children right now, I really feel you should STEP BACK and think about how mature you are. THINK about how you currently communicate with your child/children.
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Fellas, have you ever been in a public place and a woman just keeps glancing at you? Well, here I am speaking glancing at you because she enjoys the way you look lol.
I have just decided that the next time this happens to me, I'm just gonna walk over to her and say, "So were you just going to sit/stand there and look at me? Or were you going to ever come over and speak with me?" The next thing that comes out of her mouth depends on a few things. However, regardless of the situation, it is ok for the woman to speak with you from then on. After that IF either of you are interested in talking further with each other, you both can continue on talking and/or exchange phone numbers or whatever else.
This makes me think about how for the average woman, whenever they see a man in a public setting whom they are interested in, they will continue to gaze at him in hopes that he will come over and talk with her, rather than she take the initiative and go walk over to talk with him. This in my opinion is due to the social programming of women from a variety of external sources. Primarily the media. So many movies, music videos and other sources display the man coming over to the woman to talk with her. Very few times do you see things the other way around.
Now, as a woman, think about your own situation whenever you see a man that you are interested in, what are the very 1st things that you do? Think about is it necessary for you to wait for him to come to you? If you wait for him, what if he never saw you at all? What if another woman saw him after you saw him, and then she takes the initiative to go and communicate with him? Then she walks off with him rather than you walk off with him.
In summary
It's not necessary for you to wait for the man you are interested in to come to you and talk with you. It is ok for you as a woman to make 1st contact with the man whom you are interested in. Whether it be in a public place or on a social network site.
You have to develop your own communication skills that allow you to effectively and efficiently make this whole conversation process successful for you as possible.
As a woman who wants to make 1st contact with a man whom you are interested in, you should 1st recognize what is it that you want to achieve once you make 1st contact with him.
You have to develop your own communication skills that allow you to effectively and efficiently make this whole conversation process successful for you as possible.
As a woman who wants to make 1st contact with a man whom you are interested in, you should 1st recognize what is it that you want to achieve once you make 1st contact with him.
Think about it.
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Thursday, December 4, 2014
Fellas, some women just want something "DIFFERENT" from what they have previously experienced in their lives and/or currently. Many women tell us this WITHOUT sometimes openly saying it. YOU have to be able to recognize their subtle ways of explaining it to you. It takes a trained eye and mind to perceive their subtle messages.
There are a lot of women who want to get out of their current relationship, however there is something that they feel is holding them back from doing so. These types of women both sometimes literally CRY OUT for help or internally they are crying out and it manifests in subtle ways that the average person fails to perceive this at all.
I am speaking from experience.
There are a lot of women who want to get out of their current relationship, however there is something that they feel is holding them back from doing so. These types of women both sometimes literally CRY OUT for help or internally they are crying out and it manifests in subtle ways that the average person fails to perceive this at all.
I am speaking from experience.
Think about it.
So listen to this. While walking this morning I looked at a young man who was smoking a cigarette right? The 1st thought that came to me "Cigarette's are PASSAPHIRE'S" lol! Plus, plus listen to this! LOOK at THE SHAPE of the cigarette and think about the motion you take to put it in and out of your MOUTH!
Y'all need to think about this stuff.
I been doing my part to MELT these illusions that's been in front of me for years. Now that they are melting from my consciousness, this allows me to perceive what's really goin on in this world.
Think about it.
Y'all need to think about this stuff.
I been doing my part to MELT these illusions that's been in front of me for years. Now that they are melting from my consciousness, this allows me to perceive what's really goin on in this world.
Think about it.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Another major thing I have learn from my study and observation of humans, relationships and communication is the importance of 1st recognizing a person's own mental and communication level. If you are on a much developed level, and another person isn't, depending on the circumstance, some people just aren't worth your time and energy regarding responding to them in any way. So what I do is I observe as much as I can about the other person before I respond to them so that I can make a good judgement on if they are worth a response from me or not.
I do this a lot whenever I meet a woman whom caught my eye due to her beauty.
Think about it.
I do this a lot whenever I meet a woman whom caught my eye due to her beauty.
Think about it.
Pure Concentrated Thought: One Of Our Primary Abilities
Pure concentrated thought
Pure concentrated thought is one of our primary and powerful abilities that we all have as souls to create whatever we want in our life. Whatever you focus your mind on for a minimum of 60 seconds or longer, with an EXTREME BELIEF that it is possible for you to have, do and/or experience, with expectancy, once this is all done, whatever you have been concentrating on MUST COME INTO YOUR OWN REALITY!
Whatever you don't want to experience in your life, do whatever you can to avoid thinking about it as much as possible. Acknowledge it if necessary. If it isn't something that you want to bring into your life experience then avoid spending much time thinking about it.
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Pure concentrated thought is one of our primary and powerful abilities that we all have as souls to create whatever we want in our life. Whatever you focus your mind on for a minimum of 60 seconds or longer, with an EXTREME BELIEF that it is possible for you to have, do and/or experience, with expectancy, once this is all done, whatever you have been concentrating on MUST COME INTO YOUR OWN REALITY!
Whatever you don't want to experience in your life, do whatever you can to avoid thinking about it as much as possible. Acknowledge it if necessary. If it isn't something that you want to bring into your life experience then avoid spending much time thinking about it.
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