Friday, February 13, 2015

"HUMAN RESOURCES": YOU are the resource!


Resource: a source of supply or support that can be used when needed.

This is just 1 dictionary definition.

You can't see what's wrong with this term/label?  YOU are being used as the RESOURCE of ENERGY EVERYTIME you walk through that door to work for that company that you work for.  Many people work for companies doing jobs that they know they don't like and don't want to do for very long.  The company doesn't care about nothing else but YOUR LIFE FORCE ENERGY!

But many people think that they have to have a job to make a living for themselves.  NO!  Everyone has a "inner creative genius" inside of them that they can tap into allowing them to solve ANY of their problems that they feel they have.  But guess what are some of the things that suppress their inner creative genius?  TV viewing, the TOXIC FOODS, stress, fear and many more DISTRACTIONS that are being created hourly and daily in people's lives!

Too many of you are still falling for these distractions and TRAPS out here.  Not taking the time to do recon and then think before you engage.  If continue to just go with the flow of things, pretty soon your life force energy that keeps you alive will be DRAINED!

Think about it.


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